Die Vor- und Nachteile der dynamischen In-Ear-Kopfhörer enstprechen dem Gegenteil der Balanced-Armature In-Ear-Kopfhörer.

Die klangliche Charakteristik von dynamischen IEM ist grundsätzlich mit "warm", "homogen", "detailliert" und "ausgeglichen" zu beschreiben.

Dynamische Treiber sind weit verbreitet und überzeugen durch das gute Preis-/ Leistungsverhältnis. Sie sind für ihre Robustheit und Unkompliziertheit bekannt. Oft arbeitet diese Art von Schallwandler mit einer relativ großen Membran, was für einen satten Bass und guten Schalldruck der Kopfhörer sorgt. Zur souveränen Wiedergabe tiefer Frequenzen trägt ebenso die hohe Auslenkungsmöglichkeit der Membran bei. Der Stromverbrauch hält sich dabei in Grenzen. Der Frequanzbereich ist etwas geringer als der der anderen Wandlerarten.

FiiO FD11
FiiO FD11 - Dynamic in-ear headphones     10 mm dynamic driver unit with two hollow chambers / carbon-based diaphragm     Asymmetrical internal and external magnetic circuits / C-shaped acoustic flute design     Fine-tuned frequency response / Hi-Res Audio certified     0.78 mm 2-pin connector / High-quality OFC cable     Premium HS18 silicone ear tips included. The FiiO FD11 is a brand new IEM with a single dynamic driver that promises its listeners outstanding sound clarity.The pair houses a 10mm dual-chamber dynamic driver that uses a high-quality carbon-based diaphragm to produce impressive sound with a balanced three-frequency response. You get a powerful low end, crisp midrange and smooth, detailed treble response. Experience rich timbre and beautiful sound with the all-new FiiO FD11.High-quality sound with high-quality dynamic driverFiiO has crafted the FD11's 10mm dynamic driver from the same materials used in the FH15 and FF5 IEMs. The FD11 gets a significant boost in its sonic capabilities from this high-quality dynamic driver. It features a dual-cavity design and a carbon-based diaphragm material. This gives the pair a very responsive sound with smooth timbre and minimal distortion.Asymmetrical external and internal magnetic fieldsFiiO has equipped the FD11 with second-generation asymmetrical internal and external magnetic circuits. The pair was developed using finite element simulations that optimise the design of the magnetic circuit to produce a strong and powerful magnetic field. The result is a higher magnetic field density that allows for switching movement of the diaphragm and promises high-quality sound reproduction.Exquisite design, comfortable fitThe FiiO FD11 is designed with the brand's ultimate craftsmanship. The pair features high-quality zinc alloy material shells that are decanted into the mould and then polished and electroplated to treat users with an exquisite finished product. It has a conch-like shape. The pair has an ergonomic shape that promises a comfortable feel for users.C-shaped acoustic flute designFiiO has integrated its C-shaped acoustic flute into the ear cup of the FD11. This significantly improves sound performance, especially in the lower frequency range. As air moves through the FD11 ear cups, the C-shaped acoustic flute helps to increase the viscosity of the air and reduce resonance in the output signal. This helps to improve the quality of the mid and lower bass.Fine-tuned frequency response curveFiiO is one of the most experienced brands in the hi-fi audio industry. They have fine-tuned the FD11's tuning to deliver a clean and detailed sound. The pair has strong midrange clarity for realistic vocal reproduction.High quality standard cableThe FiiO FD11 comes with a high-quality standard cable. It is a high-purity 4-core oxygen-free copper cable with 120 cores in each strand. The high quality oxygen-free copper material greatly improves the performance of the pair by providing smooth signal transmission and low internal resistance.Technical dataImpedance: 24Ω@1kHzSensitivity: 111dB/mWFrequency response: 20Hz-20kHzConnector type: 0.78mm 2-poleTerminating plug: 3.5mm gold plated copper plug.  

FiiO FD3
Color: Black
FiiO FD3 - The diamond among in-ear headphonesThe FiiO FD3 is based on the dynamically constructed flagship FiiO FD5, but is reduced to the essentials - and thus much more affordable. Nevertheless, such elementary technologies as the "Diamond-Like-Carbon" diaphragm, the acoustic prism and a noble aluminium/magnesium housing are also used and together ensure outstanding sound.The highlights of the FiiO FD3 at a glance:    Diamond-Like Carbon - High-strength and lightweight diaphragm    Integrated acoustic prism - For optimum time response    Semi-open cabinet design - Deep, clean bass guaranteed    Elegant and robust enclosure - Made of magnesium and aluminium    Customisable sound - With two sound tubes and many accessories12 mm driver meets Diamond-Like Carbon - Highest sound purityFor first-class sound, 12 millimetres is sometimes enough. At least when they are installed in the FiiO FD3 dynamic in-ear headphones. The diaphragm itself is made of "Diamond-Like Carbon", i.e. carbon that is almost as hard as a diamond. On the one hand, this makes the diaphragm strong and resistant to distortion, but on the other hand, it is extremely light and reacts quickly to impulses in order to reproduce the music signal faithfully.The diaphragm is driven by a magnet with 1.5 Tesla magnetic force and a voice coil from the Japanese specialist Daikoku. This means that power is available in abundance and a clear, structured and powerful sound image is guaranteed.Balanced sound culture - with semi-open cabinetOf course, music should not only sound finely resolved, but also powerful. But as always, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. The FiiO FD3 is realised as a semi-open design to always maintain just the right balance between punch and naturalness.Not only is this more fun - especially during long listening sessions - but it also protects your sensitive ears.Aluminium meets magnesium - in a beautiful cabinetAlthough the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, every part is important. This is also true, for example, of the housing of a high-quality in-ear headphone like the FiiO FD3. Here, too - as you would expect from FiiO - nothing is left to chance, but instead relies on a precisely CNC-manufactured housing made of aluminium and magnesium.And to make the headphones even more exciting, its housing cheeks are covered with a layer of celluloid, which is then refined with 2.5D glass. This makes it - in every sense of the word - a real highlight for the eyes and ears.Full pipe of music - and interchangeable with a flick of the wristSound is a very personal matter. And as much effort as FiiO puts into guaranteeing excellent sound, they don't know what that means for you personally. But with the two interchangeable sound tubes (i.e. tubes), you don't have to, because it's up to you.The thicker of the two tubes (the version in red) is recommended for all lovers of lively, rather bass-emphasised sound. The thinner tube (the black version), on the other hand, provides a clear, precise sound.It doesn't matter if you prefer one of the two styles or if you want to individualise the sound according to your musical style: Everything is possible with a few simple steps.High quality from A to B - The headphone cableWhere FiiO has put so much effort into the headphones themselves, no compromises have been made with the headphone cable. And so the FiiO FD3 uses a high-quality connection made of monocrystalline copper with a total of 120 individual conductors.At the same time, you are also extremely flexible thanks to the MMCX connector on the headphones themselves. No matter whether you want to change to an even higher quality cable or have to replace the cable due to a defect: The change is done in no time at all. The clever MMCX connector makes it possible.Lots of accessories - practical and intelligentThe sound of the FiiO FD3 can already be adjusted using the two sound tubes supplied, but with the ear tips included in the scope of delivery, FiiO is taking the subject a big step further. The package includes three sets of Balanced Ear-Tips in sizes S, M and L, three sets with bass tuning and more conciseness in the vocal range. In addition, for very sensitive ears, there are two pairs of Foam Ear-Tips that adapt perfectly to the shape of your inner ear by means of body heat and ensure a perfect fit.Also included: the practical storage box, a cleaning brush for cleaning after longer use and an MMCX assist tool. Don't you know this? You'll learn to love it when changing the MMCX cable, because it makes replacement even easier. 

FiiO FD3 Pro
FiiO FD3 Pro – Der Diamant unter den In-Ear-Kopfhörern, aufpoliert Der In-ear-Kopfhörer FiiO FD3 Pro im Überblick: Der FiiO FD3 Pro basiert wie der FiiO FD3 auf dem dynamisch aufgebauten Flaggschiff FiiO FD5, ist allerdings auf das wesentliche reduziert – und somit deutlich erschwinglicher. Selbstverständlich vereint er trotzdem alle elementaren Technologien wie die Membran aus „Diamond-Like-Carbon“, das akustische Prisma und das wertige Gehäuse aus Aluminium/Magnesium in sich und punktet zudem mit einem eigens für die Pro-Variante entwickelten Kopfhörerkabel.Die Highlights des FiiO FD3 Pro im Überblick: Diamond-Like-Carbon – Hochfeste und leichte Membran Akustisches Prisma integriert – Für ein optimales Zeitverhalten Elegantes und robustes Gehäuse – Aus Magnesium und Aluminium Klang Individuell anpassbar – Mit zwei Soundtubes und viel Zubehör Eigens entwickeltes Kopfhörerkabel – Exklusiv für den FiiO FD3 Pro 12 mm-Treiber trifft Diamond-Like-Carbon – Höchste Klangreinheit Für erstklassigen Klang reichen manchmal schon 12 Millimeter aus. Zumindest, wenn sie im dynamischen In-Ear-Kopfhörer FiiO FD3 Pro verbaut sind. Die Membran an sich besteht aus „Diamond-Like-Carbon“, also Karbon, das nahezu so hart ist wie ein Diamant. Damit ist die Membran zum einen fest und widerstandsfähig gegenüber Verzerrungen, zum anderen aber extrem leicht und reagiert blitzschnell auf Impulse, um das Musiksignal originalgetreu zu reproduzieren. Angetrieben wird die Membran dabei von einem Magneten mit 1,5 Tesla Magnetkraft und einer Schwingspule vom japanischen Spezialisten Daikoku. Damit steht Kraft im Überfluss bereit und ein klares, strukturiertes und kraftvolles Klangbild ist garantiert.Ausbalancierte Klangkultur – Mit halboffenem Gehäuse Klar, Musik soll nicht nur fein aufgelöst, sondern auch druckvoll klingen. Aber wie immer gilt, es gibt auch zu viel des Guten. Der FiiO FD3 Pro ist als halboffenes Design realisiert, um stets genau die richtige Balance zwischen Druck und Natürlichkeit zu bewahren. Das macht nicht nur mehr Spaß – besonders bei langen Hörsessions – sondern schützt zudem auch noch Ihre empfindlichen Ohren.Aluminium trifft Magnesium – In einem wunderschönen Gehäuse Das Ganze ist zwar mehr als die Summe seiner Teile, trotzdem kommt es aber auf jedes Teil an. So zum Beispiel auch beim Gehäuse eines hochwertigen In-Ear-Kopfhörers wie dem FiiO FD3 Pro. Auch hier überlässt man – wie man es eben von FiiO gewohnt ist – nichts dem Zufall, sondern setzt auf ein präzise CNC-gefertigte Behausung aus Aluminium und Magnesium. Und um dem Kopfhörer noch spannender zu gestalten, werden seine Gehäusewangen mit einer Schicht Zelluloid überzogen, was anschließend mit 2,5D-Glas veredelt wird. Somit ist – im Sinne des Wortes – ein echtes Highlight für Augen und Ohren.Volles Rohr Musik – Und mit einem Handgriff austauschbar Klang ist eine ganz persönliche Angelegenheit. Und so viel Mühe man sich auch bei FiiO gibt, hervorragenden Klang zu garantieren, so weiß man doch nicht, was das für Sie persönlich heißt. Mit den zwei austauschbaren Sound Tubes (also Röhren) muss man das aber auch gar nicht, denn Sie entscheiden das selbst. Die dickere der beiden Röhren (die Version in Rot) empfiehlt sich für alle Liebhaber von lebendigem, eher bassbetontem Klang. Die dünnere Röhre (die Variante in Schwarz) hingegen sorgt für ein klares, präzises Klangbild. Ganz egal ob Sie ganz grundsätzlich einen der beiden Stile eher bevorzugen oder je nach Musikrichtung den Klang individualisieren möchten: Mit ein paar Handgriffen ist alles möglich.Maximal konsequent – Speziell für den FiiO FD3 Pro entwickeltes Kabel Der Unterschied vom FiiO FD3 Pro zum FiiO FD3 ist das beiliegende Kopfhörerkabel. Setzt FiiO beim FD3 auf eine hochwertige Verbindung aus monokristallinem Kupfer mit insgesamt 120 Einzelleitern, kommt im FD3 Pro eine nochmals hochwertigere Verbindung zum Einsatz. Ein Kopfhörerkabel, welches konsequent für die Pro-Variante entwickelt wurde und auf maximale Klangreinheit gezüchtet wurde. Das bedeutet: 152 Einzelleiter aus versilbertem, monokristallinem Kupfer, die gemeinsam für einen klaren, detaillierten Klang sorgen. Ein weiteres, cleveres Detail dabei: Der Anschluss am Kabel ist direkt austauschbar und die passenden Adapter sind natürlich im Lieferumfang. Somit wechseln Sie im Handumdrehen zwischen der symmetrischen 2,5 mm Klinke, 4,4 mm Klinke und dem klassischen 3,5 mm Klinkenanschluss. Abgerundet werden all diese Ideen und Entwicklungsschritte durch den praktischen MMCX-Anschluss auf der Kopfhörerseite. Ganz gleich, ob Sie auf ein noch hochwertigeres Kabel umsteigen möchten oder das Kabel aufgrund eines Defekts austauschen müssen: Der Wechsel ist mit wenigen Handgriffen erledigt.Noch mehr Zubehör im Lieferumfang – Praktisch und intelligent Der Klang des FiiO FD3 Pro ist zwar schon über die zwei mitgelieferten Sound Tubes anpassbar, mit den im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Ear-Tips denkt man das Thema bei FiiO aber gleich noch einen großen Schritt weiter. Und so finden Sie drei Sätze Balanced Ear-Tips in den Größen S, M und L im Paket, drei Sätze mit Bassabstimmung sowie mehr Prägnanz im Stimmbereich. Außerdem für ganz sensible Ohren zwei Paar Foam-Ear-Tips, die sich mittels Körperwärme perfekt an die Form Ihres Innenohres anpassen und für perfekten Sitz sorgen. Außerdem mit dabei: Die praktische Aufbewahrungsbox, eine Reinigungsbürste zum Säubern nach längeren Einsätzen und ein MMCX-Assist-Tool. Das kennen Sie nicht? Beim Wechsel des MMCX-Kabels werden Sie es lieben lernen, denn es macht den Austausch noch einfacher.

FiiO FD5
FiiO FD5 - The diamond among in-ear headphonesThe FiiO FD5 in summary: The FiiO FD5 is the current flagship among the dynamic in-ear headphones in the FiiO range. The headphones also make their position clear straight away; with their high-quality stainless steel housing, the "Diamond-Like Carbon" diaphragm and many sophisticated details.The highlights of the FiiO FD5 at a glance:    Diamond-Like-Carbon - ultra-strong and lightweight membrane    Integrated acoustic prism - For optimal time response    "Volcanic field" built in - Deep, clean bass guaranteed    Sound individually adjustable - With two sound tubes and many accessories    Elegant and robust housing - Made of high-quality stainless steelDiamond-like carbon meets beryllium - For highest sound purityFiiO FD5 Diamond-like-CarbonThe diaphragm of any headphone has an almost impossible task: it must be as strong and resistant to distortion as possible, but also as light as possible in order to respond to impulses as quickly as possible and reproduce the music signal faithfully.The Diamond-Like-Carbon diaphragm combines these two extremes and thus in itself provides a clear, balanced sound. But, we remember, the FiiO FD5 is the declared flagship in the manufacturer's line-up of dynamic headphones - and that's why they don't leave it at that. Instead, an additional layer of beryllium is added to the extremely strong and hard diaphragm. On the one hand, this material is also extremely stiff, but it has another very important property: high internal damping.And it is precisely this high internal damping that ensures that distortions in the 12 millimetre diaphragm in the headphones have virtually no chance. And so all that remains is good music.Optimum sound distribution guaranteed - thanks to acoustic prismFiiO FD5 Acoustic PrismSound waves of different frequencies have different speeds - and as a result, acoustic imaging and stage presentation suffer.To prevent this from happening in the FiiO FD5, FiiO has installed an acoustic prism in front of the driver, which optimally focuses the airflow and effectively avoids standing waves. A sound you have to experience for yourself.No chance for standing waves - but for clear, precise bassFiiO FD5 with Volcanic FieldThe "Volcanic Field" on the back of the FiiO FD5 ensures that the pressure in the cabinet is equalised quickly and efficiently.The advantage of this? Distortion in the bass is effectively prevented and the headphones are always comfortable in the ear, even during long listening sessions.Tube sound with a difference - and replaceable with a flick of the wristFiiO FD5 with tubesSound is a very personal matter. And as much effort as FiiO puts into guaranteeing excellent sound, they don't know what that means for you personally. But with the two interchangeable sound tubes, you don't have to, because it's up to you.The thicker of the two tubes is recommended for all lovers of lively, rather bass-emphasised sound. The thinner tube, on the other hand, provides an absolutely neutral, balanced sound*.Neutral or fun? You decide.*When using the thinner tube, only the vocal ear tips and the triple flange ear tips can be used.High purity silver in the complete headphone cable - Uncompromising qualityFiiO FD5 headphone cableWhen it comes to music, every detail counts. Like, for example, the 1.20 metre long headphone cable used. FiiO knows this and makes no compromises. For the connection from the plug to the headphones, 152 individual conductors made of monocrystalline silver-coated copper are used, all of which together ensure a lively and crystal-clear sound.And to top it all off, the cable has not one, but three different connection options; 2.5 mm balanced jack, 3.5 mm jack and 4.4 mm balanced jack as well as MMCX connectors on the headphone side.Stainless steel housing - Lightweight, robust and acoustically perfectFiiO FD5 stainless steel casePrecisely crafted down to the last detail, the stainless steel case gives the FiiO FD5 an extra-special shine.But not only that! At the same time, it can be perfectly adjusted, is pleasantly light and yet highly resistant, which means that unwanted resonances of the housing no longer stand a chance.Accessories as far as the eye can see - something for every tasteFiiO FD5 accessoriesSound is individual, and so are the ear tips on the FiiO FD5. You have the choice of three different Ear Tips with bass accentuated character, balanced character and voice accentuated character. For noisy environments there are two pairs of Triple Flange Ear Tips (S and L) and for particularly sensitive ears two pairs of Foam Tips (S and L). Also included: the practical FiiO HB5 storage box, the two sound tubes, a cleaning brush for cleaning after longer use and the Final MMCX ASSIST. Don't know about it? You'll learn to love it when you try to disconnect the MMCX cable from the headphones. Promise

FiiO JD1
Stecker: USB Type C | Color: Black
FiiO JD1 Connect directly to your smartphone or computer via USB Type-C port With wired remote control and MicrophoneEntry-level all-rounder 10 mm LCP driver Asymmetrical internal and external magnetic circuits Balanced pressure relief of the front and rear chambers Die-cast zinc alloy front panel Triangular ergonomic shape Low weight of only 7 g each USB Type-C and 0.78 2-pin detachable cable Aluminium alloy sound nozzle Hi-Res Audio certified - entry into the world of audio Jointly developed by FIIO and Jade Audio, the J-Series earphones have been praised by users for their simple yet elegant design and excellent sound quality at an affordable price. The new JD1 Series dynamic IEMs are a breath of fresh air in the vast selection of IEMs on the market. The JD1s are an excellent entry into the world of hi-fi earphones, offering great sound quality from a trusted brand at an affordable price. The included cable with in-line controls and microphone allows you to quickly relay information to your teammates, while the JD1's precise sound positioning gives you an advantage over your opponents. *The included cable features an HD microphone with integrated controls - the centre button is for answer/hang up and play/pause; the top and bottom buttons are for volume adjustment. Lowering the barrier to entry in the hi-fi industry Entry-level Dynamic 10mm LCP driver earphones should be well crafted so that more users can experience the wonders of high-fidelity sound. To this end, the development team equipped the JD1 with a dynamic 10 mm LCP (Liquid Crystal Polymer) driver. Thanks to its light weight and high rigidity, this driver is capable of delivering rich and powerful bass that brings out the best in instruments such as drums. And thanks to careful tuning by the development team, the driver is also very detailed and low-distortion like a real hi-fi headphone, providing a clear and natural sound. More robust performance Asymmetrical internal and external magnetic circuits FiiO's asymmetrical internal and external magnetic circuit design has been used in several other products, including the FD3, IEM's ‘Little Conch’ series and other products. Now this technology has found its way into the JD1. Compared to the traditional design with a single internal or external magnet, the asymmetrical design of the internal and external magnetic circuit increases the magnetic field density around the voice coil, resulting in a more powerful and robust sound as well as improved transient response. Specifications Wearing method: in-ear monitor worn around the ear Driver: 10mm LCP dynamic driver Frequency response: 20Hz-20kHz Impedance: 24Ω@1kHz Sensitivity: 109dB/mW@1kHz Cable material: OFC oxygen-free copper Cable length: About 120cm Weight of single device: About 7g (without cable) Headphone connector: 0.78 2pin detachable cable Audio connector: USB Type-C Scope of delivery JD1 earphones*1USB Type-C to 0.78 2-pin cable with microphone*1 Ear tips S/M/L*3 pairs (M pre-installed) User manual*1

FiiO JD10
Dynamic in-ear headphones 10 mm polymer composite diaphragm Dual-cavity design 0.033 mm Japanese CCAW voice coil External high-power N52 magnet High-purity oxygen-free copper cable In-line control with microphone included Independent DSP chip 6 built-in tuning presets Supports lossless 384 kHz/24-bit audio decoding High Res Audio certified 10 mm polymer composite diaphragm To set the benchmark for entry-level sound quality, the JD10 features a carefully selected 10 mm polymer composite diaphragm. This cone is characterised by high rigidity, low distortion and optimal damping. It delivers a rich and full bass that blends perfectly with the mids and highs to create a really pleasant sound. In addition, thanks to careful acoustic tuning that utilises the cone's stiffness, the JD10 is high-resolution in a way rarely found among its competitors and capable of reproducing even subtle audio details. Dual cavity design The JD10 utilises a dual acoustic cavity design with separate damping control systems in each cavity. This precise control of airflow damping helps to reduce distortion, effectively improving driver cone movement and bass response. When listening to complex music, this design allows the JD10 to capture more nuance in the bass notes - resulting in refreshingly fast and detailed bass. 0.033 mm Japanese CCAW voice coil To achieve higher sound quality from the driver, the JD10 uses a special ultra-fine Japanese CCAW voice coil with a wire diameter of only about 0.033 mm. This voice coil significantly reduces the overall mass of the driver thanks to the thinness of the wires and the properties of CCAW. This makes it easier to get the driver to produce higher volumes and also results in an improved impulse response. The result is a clearer and more pleasant sound. External N52 high-performance magnet The JD10 uses an external magnet design. This allows a larger magnet to be used, which surrounds the voice coil more effectively and produces a more powerful sound. N52 high performance neodymium-iron-boron magnets were chosen for their high energy density and ability to deliver their power over a uniformly wide range to ensure optimum driver performance. 3.7g light The JD10 was designed from the ground up to be a comfortable and lightweight, versatile pair of in-ear headphones. Each JD10 earbud weighs just 3.7g, making them among the lightest in their class, allowing for long listening sessions without fatigue. High-purity oxygen-free copper cable 3-button inline control with microphone to switch freely between hi-fi music and voice calls. High-purity oxygen-free copper wires that enable error-free transmission of rich audio signals. 0.78 mm 2-pin detachable headphone cable that allows you to upgrade your headphones in the future.

FiiO JD3
FiiO JD3 - with headset function     Dynamic single driver IEMs     Unibody stainless steel construction     Dual cavity dynamic driver     Sound reflection absorbing internal construction     Powerful neodymium magnet driver     Specially tuned frequency response     Semi-open acoustic design     HD microphone and line controls     Aluminium alloy audio connector  Build quality is a priority for the FiiO JD3. Stainless steel is the material of choice for the JD3 and really shows off the meticulous craftsmanship of the clever unibody design.Impressive sound - 9.2 mm composite driversThe materials that make up the composite diaphragm of the large 9.2mm dynamic driver have been carefully selected for an exceptional sound that delivers deep bass, rich mids and vibrant highs. In addition, the internal dual-cavity structure has been carefully engineered for superior bass transient response, making it easier to get into the rhythm of your music.Bottomless Bass - Powerful Neodymium Magnet DriverThe FiiO JD3's driver features a neodymium magnet with high magnetic flux for ample power reserves. The voice coil is made of CCAW, which is lightweight and easy to operate. The composite diaphragm is lightweight and has high internal damping. All this results in a high sensitivity of 107 dB/mW with clear mids, adequate highs and thunderous bass.Professionally tuned - Specially matched frequency responseA scientific approach was taken to the JD3's internal acoustic design to ensure that the driver performs to its full potential. Special care was taken to ensure that the highs and mids are transparent and appropriately bright, without sacrificing the powerful and textured bass. Experience the effortless power of the JD3 driver to the fullest!
