Sie finden in jeder Unterkategorie der In-Ear-Kopfhörer eine kurze Beschreibung des jeweiligen technischen Funktionsprinzips und der klanglichen Charakteristik.
FiiO EM5 – Der Anti-In-Ear-Kopfhörer
Der FiiO EM5 in der Zusammenfassung: Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach hochwertiger Musikwiedergabe mit unauffälligen Kopfhörern sind, In-Ear-Kopfhörer aber nicht mögen, kommt hier die Lösung: Der Flat-Head-Kopfhörer FiiO EM5. Kompakt wie ein In-Ear, ohne das sie in den Gehörgang gesteckt werden müssen.
Die Highlights des FiiO EM5 im Überblick:
Earbud statt In-Ear – Hier wird nichts in den Gehörgang gesteckt
Beryllium-beschichteter Treiber – Knackiger und dynamischer Klang
Gehäuse im 3D-Druck gefertigt – Perfekte Passform und Optik
Hochwertiges Kopfhörerkabel – Mit 120 Litzen aus reinem Silber
Wunderbar wandelbar – Austauschbarer Stecker mit 2,5/3,5/4,4 mm-Anschluss
Earbuds – Die clevere Alternative zu In-Ear-Kopfhörern
Der In-Ear, also der Kopfhörer, der ins Ohr gesetzt wird, dominiert zwar den weltweiten Markt, aber es gibt durchaus auch Menschen, denen das Gefühl im Ohr nicht gefällt und diese Bauform daher ablehnt.
Wer keine Lust auf einen In-Ear-Kopfhörer hat, trotzdem einen äußerst kompakten Kopfhörer sucht und keine Kompromisse bei der Klangqualität eingehen möchte, der schaut und hört sich den FiiO EM5 an. Dieser wird zwar ebenfalls ins Ohr gesteckt, liegt aber nur am Gehörgang auf (statt hineingesteckt zu werden) und liefert trotzdem einen exzellenten Klang.
Beryllium-beschichteter Treiber – Vereint die Extreme
Für erstklassigen Klang werden Treiber benötigt, die eigentlich ganz gegensätzliche Eigenschaften miteinander vereinen sollen. Zum einen sollen sie möglichst steif und widerstandsfähig gegenüber Verzerrungen sein, zum anderen aber möglichst leicht sein, um auf Impulse schnellstmöglich zu reagieren und das Musiksignal originalgetreu wiederzugeben.
Beryllium löst dieses Problem. Zum einen ist es extrem fest und härtet die die 14,2 Millimeter große Membran im Kopfhörer wirkungsvoll gegen unerwünschte Verzerrungen im Musiksignal ab, ist aber gleichzeitig wunderbar leicht, so dass die Impulstreue des Treibers erhalten bleibt.
Im aufwendigen 3D-Druck hergestelltes Kopfhörergehäuse
Was einem auf dem ersten Blich vielleicht gar nicht auffällt, ist, dass das Gehäuse des Kopfhörers aus einem Guss ist. Es gibt also keine Nahtstellen, Klebepunkte oder sogar Verschraubungen, sondern es handelt sich beim Gehäuse wirklich um ein einziges Teil. Möglich wird all dies durch die lange Erfahrung mit dem 3D-Druck, in dessen Verfahren das Gehäuse des Kopfhörers entsteht. Aus medizinischem, hautfreundlichem und halbtransparentem Resin.
Möglich werden dadurch auch solche Dinge, wie die exakt berechnete Bassreflexröhre, die dem FiiO EM5 zu seinem kräftigen, konturierten und tiefreichenden Bass verhilft.
Hochreines Silber im kompletten Kopfhörerkabel – Kompromisslose Qualität
Bei Musik zählt jedes Detail. Wie beispielsweise auch das verwendete 1,20 Meter lange Kopfhörerkabel. Das weiß man auch bei FiiO und macht keine Kompromisse. Zur Verbindung vom Stecker zum Kopfhörer kommen 120 Einzelleiter aus hochreinem Sterlingsilber zum Einsatz, die alle gemeinsam für einen lebendigen und klaren Klang sorgen.
Immer der richtige Kopfhöreranschluss – Im Handumdrehen
Die Vielfalt an hochwertigen Music Playern hat über die Jahre immer weiter zugenommen. Und mit ihnen auch die Vielfalt bei den Kopfhörerausgängen. So gibt es heute neben dem Standardanschluss mit 3,5 mm Klinke auch noch den 2,5 mm Klinkenanschluss und zunehmend auch den massiven 4,4 mm Klinkenanschluss. Wer mehrere Geräte parallel verwendet hat also jetzt die Wahl, sich entweder auf einen Anschluss festlegen zu müssen oder sich mehrere Kabel zuzulegen.
Oder, das Kopfhörerkabel bietet die Möglichkeit, den Anschluss einfach auszutauschen. So wie beim FiiO EM5. Und zwar vom 2,5 mm Klinkenstecker zum 3,5 mm Klinkenstecker zum 4,4 mm Klinkenstecker. Mit zwei einfachen Handgriffen und einem Dreh.
Jede Menge Zubehör mit dabei – Inklusive verschiedenster Ear-Tips
Jedes Ohr und jeder Hörgeschmack sind anders. Deswegen kommt der FiiO EM5 mit nicht weniger als 18 (!) verschiedenen Paar Ear-Tips in unterschiedlichen Größen und Klangabstimmungen im Lieferumfang daher. Davon sind sechs Paar für Bassliebhaber dabei. Sechs Paar für alle diejenigen, die eine ausgewogene Klangwiedergabe bevorzugen und sechs Paar für alle, die eine höhenbetonte Wiedergabe zu schätzen wissen.
Zusätzlich liegt im Lieferumfang noch die Tasche FiiO HB3 mit dabei, sowie die obligatorische Schnellstartanleitung.
FiiO FA1910 Balanced Knowles BA Driver DesignCustom Knowles – enhanced bass BA driversRubycon audiophile-grade film capacitors crossoverNegative feedback bass enhancement systemHiFi Mid-frequency notch filterMonitor/HiFi mode switch DLP 3D printed shell S.Turbo patented acoustic design8 strands of 224 wire pure silver cableHi-Res Audio certified Custom Knowles - enhanced bass BA drivers FiiOs goal was to create a truly monumental multi-BA driver IEM. They aimed to shake up the current market of flagship multi-BA driver IEMs and spent three years on refining it to do so. For the ten balanced armature drivers FA19, they collaborated deeply with Knowles. Together they built a custom enhanced bass balanced armature driver specifically for the FA19 to provide the listener with a deep low-frequency experience uncommon in multi-BA driver IEMs. Additionally, FiiO also worked closely with Knowles to optimize the mid and high-frequency drivers so tht they not only sound highly detailed but also pleasantly smooth. With the FA19 we carefully tuned all parts of the frequency response curve for a truly coherent and resolving sound. Welcome to a new world for multi-BA IEMs, and the FiiO FA19 will be your guide. 10 Knowles BA Design The FiiO FA19 was designed based on both science and actual listening tests. FiiO settled for using 4 custom Knowles bass BA drivers, 2 Knowles ED mid-BA drivers and 4 Knowles SWFK treble BA drivers per ear monitor. Having more drivers in an IEM does provide certain advantages. It significantly increases the energy density within a given frequency range, resulting in more detail reproduced. This is especially apparent during dynamic audio passages, where more drivers are better able to handle the nuances present, ensuring that the resulting sound is not compromised. Thus, the IEM is better able to faithfully reproduce the original sound. When tuning IEMs, it is important that there are ample energy reserves from the drivers so that the engineers have enough to work with to achieve their sound goals. This may simply not be possible with fewer drivers. Thus the FA19 employs the outstanding BA drivers. And the physical + electronic three-way crossover accurately segments different drivers working on different frequency ranges, resulting in a clear, reference monitor-like sound quality. The FA19 is an IEM that reaches the height of sound quality with a thunderous impact, being able to faithfully reproduce every last single audio detail. Negative feedback bass enhancement system With four custom-enhanced bass-balanced armature drivers per channel developed by FIIO in collaboration with Knowles, the FA19 boasts ample bass. Engineers creatively made use of the precise DLP 3D printing technology to create a shell that helps to guide this low-frequency energy into the earphone’s rear cavity, effectively lowering the resonant frequency there – essentially a negative feedback bass enhancement system. The result is a bass that reaches extremely deep, uncommon among IEMs of its class. Mid-frequency notch filter
A smooth mid-frequency curve not only stems from the core unit’s quality but also results from meticulous tuning by professional acousticians. The FA19 employs two classic Knowles ED mid-BA drivers, known for their high resolution and favoured by demanding listeners. However, if not implemented properly they can sometimes exhibit sibilance which negatively affects the overall listening experience. To address this, engineers have specially designed a mid-frequency notch filter at the bottom of these two mid-BA drivers. Rubycon audiophile-grade crossover capacitors Truly be immersed with each striking musical note thanks to a precise crossover. The FA19 employs audiophile-grade film capacitors as its electronic crossover components, which boast exceptional precision. While typical resistors used for crossovers have an error tolerance of around 1%, the FA19’s resistors have an impressively low error tolerance of 0.1%. Thus, compared to ordinary ceramic capacitors, the FA19 not only attains more accurate crossover points but also features enhanced high-frequency resolution without sacrificing tonal finesse.
Broken down into figures, this means that the new FiiO FA10 with its total of ten drivers can reproduce a frequency range between 20 Hz and 40 kHz, with an impedance of just 10 ohms and a sensitivity of 106 dB. S.Turbo patented acoustic design The FA19 incorporates FiiO’s patented S.Turbo acoustic turbine-shaped design. By extending the tube that guides low frequencies, it serves as a filtering device that effectively eliminates high-frequency sound waves emanating from the bass BA drivers. This ensures a smooth transition between low and mid frequencies. This also leads to a cleaner split between the low and mid frequencies, resulting in purer sound that better reflects the original sound of music. Monitor/HiFi mode switch Choose between two carefully crafted listening modes, by easily flipping a switch on the fly on the back of the IEMs. Use the FA19 as an audio production tool anytime, anywhere. In the BoxFiiO FA19 10 Knowles BA Driver IEMs Sterling silver cable with swappable plugs3.5mm standard and 4.4mm balanced plugs Magnetic core clip Cleaning brush and MMCX quick-release toolFoam eartips (2 x M), SpinFit eartips (S/M/L) Bass eartips (S/M/L), balanced eartips (S/M/L) HS18 eartips pack with S/M/L sizes FiiO HB5 storage case Quick Start Guide
FiiO FA7s FiiO presents the successor to the award-winning multi-balanced-armature FA7 earphones, the all-new FiiO FA7S. Equipped with six high-quality balanced-armature drivers from Knowles HODVTEC-31618 set for a powerful bass end RAD-33518*2 for a smooth, non-fatiguing treble response, and a specially designed Knowles BA set for a rich midrange response) on each side. As a result, the FiiO FA7S produces an impeccable sound performance that creates an emotional connection between the music and the listener. FiiO has arranged the drivers in FA7S in a three-way crossover. Each frequency segment is handled by a set of two balanced armature drivers, ensuring peak performance with less interference with each driver.The FiiO FA7s features FiiO's 3rd generation industrial-grade design with high quality 316L stainless steel housings. FiiO has redesigned the structure of the ear cavity for the "FA" series. The pair is made of high quality stainless steel material with a powder metallurgy process. Each ear mould undergoes PVD electroplating to improve rigidity. The plates are manufactured using a five-axis CNC machining process. High-quality cable for premium performance FiiO has equipped its FA7S with a high-purity, silver-plated monocrystalline copper cable. The cable consists of 152 wires with 19 wires in 8 strands.
Each wire is individually insulated and braided together in a stranded pattern. It has angled MMCX connectors that ensure a comfortable fit with the in-ear. Another attraction of this cable is the interchangeable connector design with FiiO's newly developed twist-lock technology. Scope of delivery FiiO FA7S earphone cable with interchangeable connectors 2.5 mm TRRS, 3.5 mm TRS and 4.4 mm TRRS 3 pairs of memory foam ear tips in size M 3 pairs of vocal ear tips in sizes S, M, L 3 pairs of bass ear tips in sizes S, M, L 3 pairs of balanced ear tips in sizes S, M, L 1 pair of 2-lamella ear tips in size M Robust hard case Cleaning brush
FiiO FD11 - Dynamic in-ear headphones
10 mm dynamic driver unit with two hollow chambers / carbon-based diaphragm
Asymmetrical internal and external magnetic circuits / C-shaped acoustic flute design
Fine-tuned frequency response / Hi-Res Audio certified
0.78 mm 2-pin connector / High-quality OFC cable
Premium HS18 silicone ear tips included.
The FiiO FD11 is a brand new IEM with a single dynamic driver that promises its listeners outstanding sound clarity.The pair houses a 10mm dual-chamber dynamic driver that uses a high-quality carbon-based diaphragm to produce impressive sound with a balanced three-frequency response. You get a powerful low end, crisp midrange and smooth, detailed treble response. Experience rich timbre and beautiful sound with the all-new FiiO FD11.High-quality sound with high-quality dynamic driverFiiO has crafted the FD11's 10mm dynamic driver from the same materials used in the FH15 and FF5 IEMs. The FD11 gets a significant boost in its sonic capabilities from this high-quality dynamic driver. It features a dual-cavity design and a carbon-based diaphragm material. This gives the pair a very responsive sound with smooth timbre and minimal distortion.Asymmetrical external and internal magnetic fieldsFiiO has equipped the FD11 with second-generation asymmetrical internal and external magnetic circuits. The pair was developed using finite element simulations that optimise the design of the magnetic circuit to produce a strong and powerful magnetic field. The result is a higher magnetic field density that allows for switching movement of the diaphragm and promises high-quality sound reproduction.Exquisite design, comfortable fitThe FiiO FD11 is designed with the brand's ultimate craftsmanship. The pair features high-quality zinc alloy material shells that are decanted into the mould and then polished and electroplated to treat users with an exquisite finished product. It has a conch-like shape. The pair has an ergonomic shape that promises a comfortable feel for users.C-shaped acoustic flute designFiiO has integrated its C-shaped acoustic flute into the ear cup of the FD11. This significantly improves sound performance, especially in the lower frequency range. As air moves through the FD11 ear cups, the C-shaped acoustic flute helps to increase the viscosity of the air and reduce resonance in the output signal. This helps to improve the quality of the mid and lower bass.Fine-tuned frequency response curveFiiO is one of the most experienced brands in the hi-fi audio industry. They have fine-tuned the FD11's tuning to deliver a clean and detailed sound. The pair has strong midrange clarity for realistic vocal reproduction.High quality standard cableThe FiiO FD11 comes with a high-quality standard cable. It is a high-purity 4-core oxygen-free copper cable with 120 cores in each strand. The high quality oxygen-free copper material greatly improves the performance of the pair by providing smooth signal transmission and low internal resistance.Technical dataImpedance: 24Ω@1kHzSensitivity: 111dB/mWFrequency response: 20Hz-20kHzConnector type: 0.78mm 2-poleTerminating plug: 3.5mm gold plated copper plug.
FIIO FD15 Hi-Res DLC Dynamic Driver In-Ear Headphones 13.8mm Large Dynamic Driver Magnalium Diaphragm DLC-W Shaped Driver Suspension 1.5T Magnetic Flux Frontal Acoustic Prism Tesla Valve Patented Acoustic Design for Bass Enhancement Stainless Steel Body 316L Furukawa Monocrystalline Silver + Furukawa Monocrystalline Silver Plated Copper Braided Cable Hi-Res Audio Certified With the FD15, FiiO introduces a high-end driver design with a magnalium diaphragm DLC driver. This combination delivers a spatial, natural sound while reaching new heights in musical detail reproduction. The Magnalium diaphragm mixes magnesium and aluminum for high hardness and low distortion, while the DLC gasket provides rigidity and flexibility for higher sound quality. The FD15 also features a W-shaped driver suspension that increases the effective vibration area by 30% and an 8.6mm voice coil that increases driver power by 78%. The external 1.5T magnet design ensures consistent performance, and Tesla Valve's patented Bass Enhancement technology ensures deep, high-quality bass. The FD15 is made of 316L stainless steel and is durable and sturdy. The included Furukawa monocrystalline cable amplifies high-frequency nuances for an outstanding sound experience. The FD15 comes with two pairs of interchangeable sound nozzles that allow you to customize the sound to suit your tastes and music preferences. Specifications Headphone Type: Dynamic In-Ear Monitors Driver: Dynamic Aluminum-Magnesium Driver Frequency Response: 10Hz-40kHz Impedance: 32 Ω@1kHz Sensitivity: 112 dB/mW@1kHz Cable: 4 strands with a total of 480 wires made of hybrid silver and monocrystalline Furukawa copper wires Cable length: approx. 1.2 m Headphone jack: MMCX Audio plug: straight replaceable plug with twist lock What´s in the box: 1 pair of in-ear headphone earphones 1x headphone cable 9 pairs of silicone ear tips S/M/L 2 pairs Foam Tips Storage Case HB11 MMCX Quick Release Tool Cleaning Brush Replaceable 3.5/4.4mm Plugs Red/Black Interchangeable Sonic Nozzles Quick Start Guide
FiiO FD3 - The diamond among in-ear headphonesThe FiiO FD3 is based on the dynamically constructed flagship FiiO FD5, but is reduced to the essentials - and thus much more affordable. Nevertheless, such elementary technologies as the "Diamond-Like-Carbon" diaphragm, the acoustic prism and a noble aluminium/magnesium housing are also used and together ensure outstanding sound.The highlights of the FiiO FD3 at a glance: Diamond-Like Carbon - High-strength and lightweight diaphragm Integrated acoustic prism - For optimum time response Semi-open cabinet design - Deep, clean bass guaranteed Elegant and robust enclosure - Made of magnesium and aluminium Customisable sound - With two sound tubes and many accessories12 mm driver meets Diamond-Like Carbon - Highest sound purityFor first-class sound, 12 millimetres is sometimes enough. At least when they are installed in the FiiO FD3 dynamic in-ear headphones. The diaphragm itself is made of "Diamond-Like Carbon", i.e. carbon that is almost as hard as a diamond. On the one hand, this makes the diaphragm strong and resistant to distortion, but on the other hand, it is extremely light and reacts quickly to impulses in order to reproduce the music signal faithfully.The diaphragm is driven by a magnet with 1.5 Tesla magnetic force and a voice coil from the Japanese specialist Daikoku. This means that power is available in abundance and a clear, structured and powerful sound image is guaranteed.Balanced sound culture - with semi-open cabinetOf course, music should not only sound finely resolved, but also powerful. But as always, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. The FiiO FD3 is realised as a semi-open design to always maintain just the right balance between punch and naturalness.Not only is this more fun - especially during long listening sessions - but it also protects your sensitive ears.Aluminium meets magnesium - in a beautiful cabinetAlthough the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, every part is important. This is also true, for example, of the housing of a high-quality in-ear headphone like the FiiO FD3. Here, too - as you would expect from FiiO - nothing is left to chance, but instead relies on a precisely CNC-manufactured housing made of aluminium and magnesium.And to make the headphones even more exciting, its housing cheeks are covered with a layer of celluloid, which is then refined with 2.5D glass. This makes it - in every sense of the word - a real highlight for the eyes and ears.Full pipe of music - and interchangeable with a flick of the wristSound is a very personal matter. And as much effort as FiiO puts into guaranteeing excellent sound, they don't know what that means for you personally. But with the two interchangeable sound tubes (i.e. tubes), you don't have to, because it's up to you.The thicker of the two tubes (the version in red) is recommended for all lovers of lively, rather bass-emphasised sound. The thinner tube (the black version), on the other hand, provides a clear, precise sound.It doesn't matter if you prefer one of the two styles or if you want to individualise the sound according to your musical style: Everything is possible with a few simple steps.High quality from A to B - The headphone cableWhere FiiO has put so much effort into the headphones themselves, no compromises have been made with the headphone cable. And so the FiiO FD3 uses a high-quality connection made of monocrystalline copper with a total of 120 individual conductors.At the same time, you are also extremely flexible thanks to the MMCX connector on the headphones themselves. No matter whether you want to change to an even higher quality cable or have to replace the cable due to a defect: The change is done in no time at all. The clever MMCX connector makes it possible.Lots of accessories - practical and intelligentThe sound of the FiiO FD3 can already be adjusted using the two sound tubes supplied, but with the ear tips included in the scope of delivery, FiiO is taking the subject a big step further. The package includes three sets of Balanced Ear-Tips in sizes S, M and L, three sets with bass tuning and more conciseness in the vocal range. In addition, for very sensitive ears, there are two pairs of Foam Ear-Tips that adapt perfectly to the shape of your inner ear by means of body heat and ensure a perfect fit.Also included: the practical storage box, a cleaning brush for cleaning after longer use and an MMCX assist tool. Don't you know this? You'll learn to love it when changing the MMCX cable, because it makes replacement even easier.
FiiO FD3 Pro – Der Diamant unter den In-Ear-Kopfhörern, aufpoliert
Der In-ear-Kopfhörer FiiO FD3 Pro im Überblick: Der FiiO FD3 Pro basiert wie der FiiO FD3 auf dem dynamisch aufgebauten Flaggschiff FiiO FD5, ist allerdings auf das wesentliche reduziert – und somit deutlich erschwinglicher. Selbstverständlich vereint er trotzdem alle elementaren Technologien wie die Membran aus „Diamond-Like-Carbon“, das akustische Prisma und das wertige Gehäuse aus Aluminium/Magnesium in sich und punktet zudem mit einem eigens für die Pro-Variante entwickelten Kopfhörerkabel.Die Highlights des FiiO FD3 Pro im Überblick:
Diamond-Like-Carbon – Hochfeste und leichte Membran
Akustisches Prisma integriert – Für ein optimales Zeitverhalten
Elegantes und robustes Gehäuse – Aus Magnesium und Aluminium
Klang Individuell anpassbar – Mit zwei Soundtubes und viel Zubehör
Eigens entwickeltes Kopfhörerkabel – Exklusiv für den FiiO FD3 Pro
12 mm-Treiber trifft Diamond-Like-Carbon – Höchste Klangreinheit
Für erstklassigen Klang reichen manchmal schon 12 Millimeter aus. Zumindest, wenn sie im dynamischen In-Ear-Kopfhörer FiiO FD3 Pro verbaut sind. Die Membran an sich besteht aus „Diamond-Like-Carbon“, also Karbon, das nahezu so hart ist wie ein Diamant. Damit ist die Membran zum einen fest und widerstandsfähig gegenüber Verzerrungen, zum anderen aber extrem leicht und reagiert blitzschnell auf Impulse, um das Musiksignal originalgetreu zu reproduzieren.
Angetrieben wird die Membran dabei von einem Magneten mit 1,5 Tesla Magnetkraft und einer Schwingspule vom japanischen Spezialisten Daikoku. Damit steht Kraft im Überfluss bereit und ein klares, strukturiertes und kraftvolles Klangbild ist garantiert.Ausbalancierte Klangkultur – Mit halboffenem Gehäuse
Klar, Musik soll nicht nur fein aufgelöst, sondern auch druckvoll klingen. Aber wie immer gilt, es gibt auch zu viel des Guten. Der FiiO FD3 Pro ist als halboffenes Design realisiert, um stets genau die richtige Balance zwischen Druck und Natürlichkeit zu bewahren.
Das macht nicht nur mehr Spaß – besonders bei langen Hörsessions – sondern schützt zudem auch noch Ihre empfindlichen Ohren.Aluminium trifft Magnesium – In einem wunderschönen Gehäuse
Das Ganze ist zwar mehr als die Summe seiner Teile, trotzdem kommt es aber auf jedes Teil an. So zum Beispiel auch beim Gehäuse eines hochwertigen In-Ear-Kopfhörers wie dem FiiO FD3 Pro. Auch hier überlässt man – wie man es eben von FiiO gewohnt ist – nichts dem Zufall, sondern setzt auf ein präzise CNC-gefertigte Behausung aus Aluminium und Magnesium.
Und um dem Kopfhörer noch spannender zu gestalten, werden seine Gehäusewangen mit einer Schicht Zelluloid überzogen, was anschließend mit 2,5D-Glas veredelt wird. Somit ist – im Sinne des Wortes – ein echtes Highlight für Augen und Ohren.Volles Rohr Musik – Und mit einem Handgriff austauschbar
Klang ist eine ganz persönliche Angelegenheit. Und so viel Mühe man sich auch bei FiiO gibt, hervorragenden Klang zu garantieren, so weiß man doch nicht, was das für Sie persönlich heißt. Mit den zwei austauschbaren Sound Tubes (also Röhren) muss man das aber auch gar nicht, denn Sie entscheiden das selbst.
Die dickere der beiden Röhren (die Version in Rot) empfiehlt sich für alle Liebhaber von lebendigem, eher bassbetontem Klang. Die dünnere Röhre (die Variante in Schwarz) hingegen sorgt für ein klares, präzises Klangbild.
Ganz egal ob Sie ganz grundsätzlich einen der beiden Stile eher bevorzugen oder je nach Musikrichtung den Klang individualisieren möchten: Mit ein paar Handgriffen ist alles möglich.Maximal konsequent – Speziell für den FiiO FD3 Pro entwickeltes Kabel
Der Unterschied vom FiiO FD3 Pro zum FiiO FD3 ist das beiliegende Kopfhörerkabel. Setzt FiiO beim FD3 auf eine hochwertige Verbindung aus monokristallinem Kupfer mit insgesamt 120 Einzelleitern, kommt im FD3 Pro eine nochmals hochwertigere Verbindung zum Einsatz. Ein Kopfhörerkabel, welches konsequent für die Pro-Variante entwickelt wurde und auf maximale Klangreinheit gezüchtet wurde.
Das bedeutet: 152 Einzelleiter aus versilbertem, monokristallinem Kupfer, die gemeinsam für einen klaren, detaillierten Klang sorgen. Ein weiteres, cleveres Detail dabei: Der Anschluss am Kabel ist direkt austauschbar und die passenden Adapter sind natürlich im Lieferumfang. Somit wechseln Sie im Handumdrehen zwischen der symmetrischen 2,5 mm Klinke, 4,4 mm Klinke und dem klassischen 3,5 mm Klinkenanschluss.
Abgerundet werden all diese Ideen und Entwicklungsschritte durch den praktischen MMCX-Anschluss auf der Kopfhörerseite. Ganz gleich, ob Sie auf ein noch hochwertigeres Kabel umsteigen möchten oder das Kabel aufgrund eines Defekts austauschen müssen: Der Wechsel ist mit wenigen Handgriffen erledigt.Noch mehr Zubehör im Lieferumfang – Praktisch und intelligent
Der Klang des FiiO FD3 Pro ist zwar schon über die zwei mitgelieferten Sound Tubes anpassbar, mit den im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Ear-Tips denkt man das Thema bei FiiO aber gleich noch einen großen Schritt weiter. Und so finden Sie drei Sätze Balanced Ear-Tips in den Größen S, M und L im Paket, drei Sätze mit Bassabstimmung sowie mehr Prägnanz im Stimmbereich. Außerdem für ganz sensible Ohren zwei Paar Foam-Ear-Tips, die sich mittels Körperwärme perfekt an die Form Ihres Innenohres anpassen und für perfekten Sitz sorgen.
Außerdem mit dabei: Die praktische Aufbewahrungsbox, eine Reinigungsbürste zum Säubern nach längeren Einsätzen und ein MMCX-Assist-Tool. Das kennen Sie nicht? Beim Wechsel des MMCX-Kabels werden Sie es lieben lernen, denn es macht den Austausch noch einfacher.
FiiO FD5 - The diamond among in-ear headphonesThe FiiO FD5 in summary: The FiiO FD5 is the current flagship among the dynamic in-ear headphones in the FiiO range. The headphones also make their position clear straight away; with their high-quality stainless steel housing, the "Diamond-Like Carbon" diaphragm and many sophisticated details.The highlights of the FiiO FD5 at a glance: Diamond-Like-Carbon - ultra-strong and lightweight membrane Integrated acoustic prism - For optimal time response "Volcanic field" built in - Deep, clean bass guaranteed Sound individually adjustable - With two sound tubes and many accessories Elegant and robust housing - Made of high-quality stainless steelDiamond-like carbon meets beryllium - For highest sound purityFiiO FD5 Diamond-like-CarbonThe diaphragm of any headphone has an almost impossible task: it must be as strong and resistant to distortion as possible, but also as light as possible in order to respond to impulses as quickly as possible and reproduce the music signal faithfully.The Diamond-Like-Carbon diaphragm combines these two extremes and thus in itself provides a clear, balanced sound. But, we remember, the FiiO FD5 is the declared flagship in the manufacturer's line-up of dynamic headphones - and that's why they don't leave it at that. Instead, an additional layer of beryllium is added to the extremely strong and hard diaphragm. On the one hand, this material is also extremely stiff, but it has another very important property: high internal damping.And it is precisely this high internal damping that ensures that distortions in the 12 millimetre diaphragm in the headphones have virtually no chance. And so all that remains is good music.Optimum sound distribution guaranteed - thanks to acoustic prismFiiO FD5 Acoustic PrismSound waves of different frequencies have different speeds - and as a result, acoustic imaging and stage presentation suffer.To prevent this from happening in the FiiO FD5, FiiO has installed an acoustic prism in front of the driver, which optimally focuses the airflow and effectively avoids standing waves. A sound you have to experience for yourself.No chance for standing waves - but for clear, precise bassFiiO FD5 with Volcanic FieldThe "Volcanic Field" on the back of the FiiO FD5 ensures that the pressure in the cabinet is equalised quickly and efficiently.The advantage of this? Distortion in the bass is effectively prevented and the headphones are always comfortable in the ear, even during long listening sessions.Tube sound with a difference - and replaceable with a flick of the wristFiiO FD5 with tubesSound is a very personal matter. And as much effort as FiiO puts into guaranteeing excellent sound, they don't know what that means for you personally. But with the two interchangeable sound tubes, you don't have to, because it's up to you.The thicker of the two tubes is recommended for all lovers of lively, rather bass-emphasised sound. The thinner tube, on the other hand, provides an absolutely neutral, balanced sound*.Neutral or fun? You decide.*When using the thinner tube, only the vocal ear tips and the triple flange ear tips can be used.High purity silver in the complete headphone cable - Uncompromising qualityFiiO FD5 headphone cableWhen it comes to music, every detail counts. Like, for example, the 1.20 metre long headphone cable used. FiiO knows this and makes no compromises. For the connection from the plug to the headphones, 152 individual conductors made of monocrystalline silver-coated copper are used, all of which together ensure a lively and crystal-clear sound.And to top it all off, the cable has not one, but three different connection options; 2.5 mm balanced jack, 3.5 mm jack and 4.4 mm balanced jack as well as MMCX connectors on the headphone side.Stainless steel housing - Lightweight, robust and acoustically perfectFiiO FD5 stainless steel casePrecisely crafted down to the last detail, the stainless steel case gives the FiiO FD5 an extra-special shine.But not only that! At the same time, it can be perfectly adjusted, is pleasantly light and yet highly resistant, which means that unwanted resonances of the housing no longer stand a chance.Accessories as far as the eye can see - something for every tasteFiiO FD5 accessoriesSound is individual, and so are the ear tips on the FiiO FD5. You have the choice of three different Ear Tips with bass accentuated character, balanced character and voice accentuated character. For noisy environments there are two pairs of Triple Flange Ear Tips (S and L) and for particularly sensitive ears two pairs of Foam Tips (S and L).
Also included: the practical FiiO HB5 storage box, the two sound tubes, a cleaning brush for cleaning after longer use and the Final MMCX ASSIST. Don't know about it? You'll learn to love it when you try to disconnect the MMCX cable from the headphones. Promise
FiiO FF1
Earbuds with detachable cable and beryllium-coated driver
Large 2nd generation dynamic driver with 14.2 mm diameter
PU+beryllium coated diaphragm
Hidden acoustic resistance tubes for extended bass
Open sound and comfortable to wear
Microphone with control
0.78 mm 2-pin detachable cable
2 different sponge covers for different sound included
Anti-slip silicone rings and silicone wing hooks included
Extra-large driver, great sound - Large 14.2mm dynamic driverThe FiiO FF1 is equipped with a 14.2 mm dynamic driver, which is not common in its class. This driver is part of the second generation of dynamic drivers in the FiiO FF series. Thanks to its science-based design, the FF1 driver's resonant frequency contributes to an extended, dynamic and textured bass for an overall more magnificent sound.Stunning sound - PU+beryllium-coated diaphragmThe driver and its diaphragm are the heart of an earphone, as this is where the sound is produced. Not only is the FF1's driver extremely rigid and lightweight with sufficient damping, but a special seal suspension system has been designed specifically for the FF1 to allow the driver to move better. This results in better quality and robust bass, sweet mids and vocals, for a sound that exudes atmosphere.The beryllium-coated diaphragm is very stiff yet lightweight, resulting in less unwanted driver break-up and therefore less distortion. Measured distortion: <0.2%@94dB (150~20kHz). The driver is also very responsive and offers excellent transient response.Hidden Advanced Acoustic Bass Resistance Tubes - Let the Sound FlowSound is created by the movement of air, and acoustic engineers focus on how to harness that air movement. For the FiiO FF1, the acoustic engineers designed a slim acoustic resistance tube that starts at the top of the FF1 earpiece and runs to the back. This hidden acoustic tube not only contributes to the FF1's elegant design, but also ensures that air can flow smoothly inside the earphones. Most importantly, the acoustic resistance tube can reduce the resonant frequency of the earbud housing and bass loss, so you can enjoy deeper and purer bass of high quality.Experience high quality bass When worn open, the FF1's effective frequency response extends to an astonishing 38 Hz, allowing listeners to become even more immersed in their music. For better bass performance, it is recommended to use the ear tips with sponge cover. Notes: Open wearing refers to normal wearing of the earplugs with sound leakage and no sponge cover.Nearly invisible when worn - Lightweight 3.2 gAs an affordable entry-level earphone, the FF1 is highly likely to be used in a variety of scenarios and over a long period of time - so FiiO needed to ensure the earphones were comfortable for long listening sessions. The FF1 weighs just 3.2g as a single earbud, making it almost invisible in the ears, ensuring excellent comfort during extended wear.Sport or leisure, HiFi is always with you - Supplied anti-slip silicone rings, silicone wing hooksIncluded with the FF1 are 3 pairs of anti-slip silicone rings in various sizes to ensure that the earphones stay comfortably in your ears, regardless of your ear size. Thanks to the FF1's open-wearing design, using the earphones is also suitable for activities such as hiking or cycling. Also included with the FF1 are a pair of silicone wing hooks that allow you to experience hi-fi while exercising.
Communicate with the world with one button - Microphone with integrated controls.Scenario 1: The FF1 has inline controls that allow you to answer calls with just one button.Scenario 2: The FF1 is equipped with an HD microphone that allows for high quality calls.Scenario 3: The FF1 can be used as a hi-fi gaming headset, allowing you to exchange information with the HD microphone while fully immersed in the sound of the game.*The FF1 comes with a Type-C adapter cable that is compatible with many Android devices.0.78 mm 2-pin detachable cableThe FiiO FF1 features a detachable cable with 0.78mm 2-pin connector, paving the way for future upgrades to your listening experience.Great sound, tailor-made for you - 2 different sponge covers included.Included are 2 different sponge covers that allow you to tailor the sound of the FF1 to your exact needs. Open hole: transparent sponge cover, powerful bass, clear treble / Without hole: transparent sponge cover, powerful bass, lush vocals.
Interchangeable cable (0.78mm 2 pin)
Interchangeable twist-lock connector 3.5mm and 4.4mm
Aluminum alloy construction
14.2mm dynamic driver
Beryllium-coated dome + PU sealing cone
2 types of foam covers included (crisp and bass sound)
High purity silver plated monocrystalline copper cable
Great sound and shape - "drum" bass chamberInspired by the musical instrument drum, a bass cavity has been specially developed for the new FF3S headphones. This cavity has been specially designed to take full advantage of the resonances and better bring out the texture of the bass tones, accurately reproducing the wood of the music with surprising agility.Lightweight with exceptional feel - aluminum alloy constructionThe brand new FiiO FF3S comes with an improved build quality. The FF3S features an aluminum alloy construction with a matte finish, giving it a subtle but much more luxurious look than its predecessor. Another advantage of the aluminum alloy is its lighter weight. Each FF3S earbud weighs just 3.9g, making them 52% lighter than the FF3. This offers a whole different level of comfort for longer listening sessions, especially for those whose ears are very sensitive to weight.Included silicone wing hooksThe FiiO FF3S come with silicone wing hooks as standard to ensure the earphones stay in your ears. No matter where you go, let high-fidelity music accompany you.Wired headphones with untethered possibilities - 0.78 mm 2-pin detachable cableFiiO has listened to user feedback and equipped the FF3S with a detachable 0.78mm 2-pin cable, giving users endless upgrade possibilities to enhance their listening experience. In addition, an easy-to-feel dot has been added to the left earbud to help differentiate between left and right earbuds and ensure a truly ergonomic design.Immerse yourself deeper in your music - Bass-boosting acoustic flute designFiiO's R&D department has fully utilized the interior space of the FF3S housing to incorporate a bass-boosting acoustic tube. This tube expands the airflow path, increases air damping and improves sound attenuation to lower the resonance point of the headphones and achieve amazing sound performance. As a result, the FF3S can reproduce frequencies of up to 90 Hz in normal, open-back wearing [1] and has an effective frequency range [2] of up to 42.5 Hz for truly deep earphone bass.[1] Normal wearing conditions for earplugs without the use of a sponge cover.[2]Effective frequency range refers to the frequency range in which the frequency response is no more than 10 dB below a certain sound pressure range.*The above test data are results from FiiO Labs. *Audio test equipment: APx555B+Brüel & Kjær Head and Torso Simulator (HATS) 4128CMore than just big 14.2 mm dynamic driverThanks to its large 14.2 mm dynamic driver, the FiiO FF3S can release more energy when playing music for a clean and natural sound. Experience the powerful sound of beating drums and energetic dynamics in your music with the FF3S.Specially selected materials - beryllium-coated dome tweeter + PU sealing membraneA good sound depends not only on the size of the driver, but also on the materials it is made of. After numerous tests by the FiiO research team, a dynamic driver with a beryllium dome and PU seal was selected for the FF3S. The beryllium-coated diaphragm is very stiff and at the same time lightweight, which reduces unwanted vibrations and therefore unwanted distortion. PU is used for the seal of the dynamic driver, whose properties enable a more detailed and structured bass. Not only does the bass come across beautifully, but the mid-range frequencies of human voices are also rich and the treble has also been greatly improved - with an effective frequency range of up to 17 kHz. [3] A larger effective frequency range also has the advantage of creating the impression of a larger sound stage.[3] The effective frequency range is the frequency range in which the frequency response is no more than 10 dB below a certain sound pressure level.Capturing every detail - ultra-fine copper-clad aluminum voice coil made from Japanese DaikokuExcellent sound comes from careful consideration of all design aspects of the product, including the parts that are not easily seen in use. The dynamic driver of the FF3S features an ultra-fine copper-clad Daikoku voice coil. With a diameter of just 0.033 mm, the Daikoku voice coil is very light and helps to reduce the overall weight of the dynamic driver, allowing it to move faster and further improving treble resolution.Listen to your heart's content - 2 types of sponge covers includedThe FF3S comes standard with 2 types of sponge covers for different sound types - bass boosting and transparent. Choose the covers you want to use for different styles of music and to suit your own taste.Fully equipped High-purity, silver-plated monocrystalline copper cableThe FF3S cable consists of a total of 152 cores of high-purity, silver-plated, monocrystalline copper. This was specially selected because the silver plating improves the resolution of the treble and at the same time reduces unwanted sibilance. The cable's jacket is made of German TPU, which not only makes the cable resistant to yellowing and hardening, but also allows the cable to be more flexible, making it more comfortable to wear and reducing unwanted microphonics.Wide compatibility - interchangeable twist-lock plugsThe FiiO FF3S is equipped with an all-aluminum interchangeable twist-lock plug, allowing you to switch between 3.5/4.4 mm plugs at any time. This makes it even easier to enjoy the exemplary sound of the FF3S, setting a real benchmark in its class.SpecificationsHeadphone type: Dynamic driversFrequency response: 20Hz-20kHzDriver type: Dynamic driverImpedance: 45Ω@1kHzSensitivity: 105dB (1kHz@1mw)Maximum input power: 100mWCable: 152 cores high-purity silver-plated monocrystalline copperHeadphone connector: 0.78mm 2pinAudio plug: Including 3.5/4.4mm twist-lock plug (interchangeable)Cable length: Approx. 120cmWeight: 3.9 g per earphone (without cable)
Scope of deliveryEarphones*1Earphone cable*1Transparent sponge covers: 6 pairs (with hole), bass sponge covers 6 pairs (without hole), anti-slip silicone rings M 3 pairs (transparent black), anti-slip silicone rings L 3 pairs (transparent black), silicone wing hooks 1 pair (transparent black)Detachable 3.5/4.4 mm audio plug*1 (3.5 mm plug pre-installed),User manual
FiiO FF5Earbuds with detachable cable and carbon-based dynamic drivers
Large 14.2 mm dynamic driver
PU seal + carbon-based diaphragm
Extended acoustic bass resistance tubes
4-core, 392-wire silver-plated monocrystalline copper cable
Detachable MMCX cable
3.5/4.4 mm audio connector included
Open design
6 pairs of anti-slip rings included
Fine-tuned frequency response
CNC aluminium alloy construction
Newly developed dynamic driver with carbon-based diaphragmThe FF5 is an earphone that departs from the traditions of its form factor and features a specially designed, large 14.2 mm dynamic driver with an innovative carbon-based diaphragm. The driver consists of a PU seal and a carbon-based diaphragm, which gives the driver a low weight and high rigidity. The result is a sound with fast transients and excellent treble resolution, as the driver's design minimises non-linear distortion by attenuating unwanted driver movement.The FF5's large 14.2mm dynamic driver delivers bass reproduction unmatched in quantity and quality by smaller drivers, with a sound that feels just right. Compared to the FF3, which focuses on the low and mid frequencies, the FF5 offers a faster sound with better separation. Thanks to the carbon-based diaphragm, resolution in the mids and highs is also significantly improved, resulting in more detailed and nuanced vocal reproduction.This is particularly noticeable with female vocals - when listening to music with a strong vocal emphasis, you can hear every last detail of the refreshingly lush voices.Beautiful like a blossoming flower - open designLike a flower in bloom with its many layers of petals, carefully tuned headphones can reveal many layers in the music.Inspired by petals, the FF5's design is both beautiful and functional. The FiiO development team wanted to reduce unwanted reflections and vibrations within the FF5's housing, which led to the creation of a diffuse open design with an acoustic damping device that allows some of the air pressure within the earphones to diffuse outwards - resulting in fewer unwanted internal reflections and standing waves, leading to cleaner sound and improved bass response.Amazingly large - Large 14.2 mm dynamic driverThe FF5 features an amazingly large 14.2mm diameter dynamic driver with a carbon-based diaphragm, chosen after much thought and experimentation. If the driver is smaller than 14.2 mm, bass performance will be negatively affected. However, if the driver is larger than 14.2 mm, the earphone becomes too large, which has a negative impact on wearing comfort. That's why we chose a 14.2 mm driver to strike a balance between high wearing comfort and stunning sound!Standard 4-strand 392-core silver-plated monocrystalline copper cable - Fully focused, with emphasis on female vocals.The FF5 comes standard with a silver-plated monocrystalline cable. 14 wires are braided together to form a small strand, and 7 small strands are braided together to form a large strand - giving 4 large strands with a total of 392 wires. More wires significantly increase the cross-sectional area of the wires in the cable, resulting in a higher transmission rate and stability. The strand braid reduces the skin effect, which further improves the transmission rate by increasing conductivity. Thanks to the above factors and the excellent materials, the FF5 cable has a significantly improved treble resolution compared to conventional cables, allowing for a very detailed and nuanced sound. True freedom: Change whenever you want - Detachable cable, interchangeable plugs.We've found that there are very few earbuds with detachable cables, which severely limits the usability of these earbuds should something happen to the cable. The FF5 has a detachable MMCX cable that allows you to replace broken cables or experiment with different cables made of different materials.In addition, the FF5's cable is equipped with interchangeable audio plugs, so you can switch between the included 3.5mm and 4.4mm plugs at will to match your source!Advanced acoustic bass tubesEvery new product is an opportunity for new innovation! With each new generation of earphones, a lot of experimentation is done to ensure that the performance really is at least one step ahead of the previous generation. Compared to typical in-ear monitors, more care needs to be taken when designing an earphone to ensure great sound.After much experimentation, FiiO has developed acoustic resistance tubes for the FF5 that enhance and extend the bass response. When the driver's diaphragm vibrates, the resulting air pressure is redirected to these acoustic resistance tubes, reducing resonance in the lower frequencies so you can hear more extended and textured bass.Specially tuned frequency response curve"The frequency range of the female voice is between 160 Hz and 1.2 kHz. The FF5 was designed as a headphone that focuses on female voices rather than heavy bass. Therefore, a lot of attention has been paid to the representation of the frequency range and pitch of the female voice. We specifically controlled resonance at 127 Hz to prevent voices from sounding muddy and boomy, while we appropriately increased the frequency range from 2kHz to 4kHz to present female voices more clearly, transparently and prominently. Thanks to the light weight of the carbon fibre, the FF5 has excellent treble response, allowing the overtones of vocals, guitars, cymbals, violins and other instruments to come through clearly in a more nuanced and layered sound."--JosephChief Engineer of FiiO IEM's R&D Centre Less weight, more materials - 1CNC aluminium alloy construction.The FF5 is made from an aluminium alloy used in other high-end earphones to reduce weight while ensuring durability. A single ear unit weighs just 3.4g - so the FF5 simply disappears into your ear, leaving you fully immersed in your high-fidelity music.Attention to detail for great sound - Supplied anti-slip silicone rings.FiiO has always been a user-focused company. Some users prefer the use of non-slip silicone rings when using earbuds. Thanks to their feedback, the FF5 not only comes with three types of sponge covers, but also moulded anti-slip silicone rings. The total of 6 anti-slip silicone rings are available in sizes M/L and provide a better seal for an extended bass range, while maintaining high resolution in the other areas of the frequency response.SpecificationsWearing style: EarplugsDriver: Single dynamicFrequency response: 20Hz-20kHzImpedance: 45Ω@1kHzSensitivity: 106dB/mW@1kHzCable: 4 strands, total 392 wires high purity silver plated monocrystalline copper.Cable length: approx. 1.2 mWeight: approx. 3.4 g (without cable)Earphone connectors: extended MMCXAudio connector: 3.5mm SE/4.4mm balancedWide range of accessoriesItem NotesDetachable 3.5mm cable*1 Pre-installedDetachable 4.4mm cable*1 Tweeter sponge covers*6 pairs (open holes) Balanced sponge covers*6 pairs (thin) Bass sponge covers*6 pairs (thick) Anti-slip silicone rings M*3 pairs (black) Anti-slip silicone rings L*3 pairs (clear) MMCX tool*1 Carrying bag HB1*1 Manual*1
FiiO FH11
1 DD+ 1 BA driver arrangement
New generation carbon-based 10mm cone
Specially tuned balanced-armature driver
Three-chamber acoustic cavity design
C-shaped acoustic flute
Extremely coherent sound reproduction
Strong bass, excellent clarity / Fine-tuned frequency response
Ergonomic triangular design / 0.78 mm 2-pin connector
High-purity, oxygen-free 120-core copper cable
Introducing the new FiiO FH11 dual-driver hybrid in-ear monitor from FiiO. It is part of the new "Bionic Conch" product series, which aims to deliver high-quality sound and exquisite aesthetics that are far above its price range. The FH11 features a carbon-based 10mm dynamic cone driver and a specially tuned Balanced Armature driver housed in a three-chamber acoustic chamber. The pair features a C-shaped acoustic flute design that significantly improves the sound quality of the pair. Prepare to experience enhanced sound with rich features with the FiiO FH11.Pure sound with dual-driver hybrid setupWith many years of experience in developing high-quality audio products, FiiO has developed the FH11 as part of its 'Bionic Conch' series of affordable in-ear monitors. The FH11 features an exquisite architecture that promises high-quality sound reproduction with detailed low-end response. The pure high-resolution audio produced by the FH11 complements various genres such as rock, pop, etc.Specially designed 10mm carbon-based dynamic driverFiiO has equipped the FH11 with a 10mm carbon-based diaphragm dynamic driver. The driver was developed after an in-depth study of the performance of higher-end models such as the FF5 and FH15. This new carbon-based diaphragm has a low weight and extremely high tensile strength. It provides a clearer sound with faster transients and less distortion in the output signal.Hear every detail with easeUsing a custom Balanced Armature driver on each side, the FiiO FH11 accurately reproduces every minute detail in music. It delivers crisp treble reproduction with amazing clarity and retains enough warmth to complement the powerful sound of the carbon-based DD unit.Three-chamber acoustic cavity designIn a hybrid IEM with multiple drivers, the structure of the acoustic cavity can make or break the overall performance. With its expertise, FiiO has designed the FH11 with a three-chamber acoustic structure that provides enhanced sound reproduction with the lowest distortion and delivers a significant performance boost. With a properly implemented acoustic damping structure, the FH11 maintains the correct air pressure in each chamber, enabling precise and accurate performance from the two drivers.C-shaped acoustic flute designIn addition to the three-chamber design, the FiiO FH11 also features a C-shaped acoustic flute structure. It manages the air movement inside the pair and uses to enhance the sound. It improves bass clarity and makes the set more responsive.Exquisite die-cast zinc alloy cavitiesThe FiiO FH11 IEMs have a refined and high-quality appearance. The pair is made of exquisite die-cast zinc material. It looks absolutely beautiful and has a pleasant aesthetic that contributes to a comfortable fit for most users.Technical dataImpedance: 24Ω@1kHz.Sensitivity: 111dB/Vrms.Frequency response: 20Hz-20kHz.Connector type: 0.78mm 2-pin male.Connector plug: 3.5mm.
FiiO FH15 - the new hybrid IEM benchmark
Well-founded breakthroughs from more than 1570 days of development time
1 dynamic, 3 BA driver
10mm dynamic carbon-based cone driver
Knowles BA CNC aluminium alloy construction
Notch filter
Patented S.Turbo design 3 tuning filters included
152-core silver-plated monocrystalline copper cable
FiiO HS18 ear tips
1 dynamic and 3 balanced-armature drivers in hybrid design- Robust bass, powerful and musical, like a personal concert in the ear
Dynamic driver with 10 mm carbon-based diaphragm
Completely redesigned driver from FiiO, fast transients, always alive Knowles BA driver
Dedicated Knowles ED-30262 for mids, two Knowles RAD-33518 for highs
CNC aluminium alloy construction
High-quality materials, meticulous craftsmanship, for a luxurious feel
Notchfiltger technology for smoother highs, with denser and more powerful mids
Patented S.Turbo design Improved bass, more robust and deeper bass
3 tuning filters included More sound flavours to choose from
152-core silver-plated monocrystalline copper cable for full-bodied sound. Delivers fast, beautiful tones
FiiO HS18 ear tips Included - Sizes S/M/L, only 0.4 mm thick
4 years fine tuning
Move forward with the new reference-class hybrid HiFi IEMs.
In 2018, FiiO has implemented cutting-edge technologies such as TRISHELL housing, S.Turbo acoustic design and a 10mm polymer composite driver into the FH5, providing listeners with a rich and detailed listening experience. After its launch, the FH5 was praised by users for its excellent deep bass and high resolution in an affordable package. It has been on the market for more than 50 months and is a testament to our commitment to great sound. The FH5 has also been recognised by the industry - winning awards at the 2019 Summer and Winter VGP and the 2020 VGP.
In 2021, FiiO launched the FH5s/FH5s Pro, equipped with interchangeable filters that allow users to better customise their sound. This time, we wanted to go back to basics and take on the daunting challenge of taking the sound quality of the FH series to a new level.
After four years of development and three generations of other product launches, countless experiments and restarts, an IEM has emerged that is the result of innovation after a lengthy development process. Based on a wealth of objective data and subjective listening tests, FiiO has not only developed a brand new 10mm dynamic driver with a carbon-based diaphragm, but also combined it with other cutting-edge technologies in the FH15 to give you a music experience as if you were right there with the artists.
The VGP, short for Visual Grand Prix, is an event organised by Japanese publisher Ongen Publishing. The VGP was launched in 1984 and over the course of 30 years has earned a reputation as the "Oscars of audiovisual engineering", widely recognised in Japan and throughout Asia.
Message from the engineers
FiiO presents FH15 "Among our products, the FH5 is a mid-range product with a sound signature that appeals to many. It offers a rich sound with lush voices, perfect for detailed classical and instrumental music.
In the four years and three product generations since the FH5 was launched, we found that users wanted a brighter sound and even higher resolution in the treble, without sacrificing the FH5's sound, which is suitable for all types of music.
That's why we used the FH5's sound as a reference when tuning and developing the FH15's drivers.
The lower frequencies are handled by our all-new 10mm dynamic driver with carbon cone. The midrange frequencies are produced by a special Knowles ED-30262 BA driver, while the treble is taken care of by a Knowles RAD-33518, which provides a much improved transparency of sound. The bass, midrange and treble have been tuned to make the FH15 sound good across all genres of music.
For those who want to fine-tune the sound of instrumental music focusing on specific instruments such as piano, guitar, violin, etc., the FH15 offers interchangeable filters with distinctly different sounds."
--Joseph Chief Engineer of FiiO IEMs Research and Development Centre.
Newly developed 10mm dynamic driver with carbon-based diaphragm
The FiiO development team has chosen a carbon-based material for the diaphragm of the dynamic driver, which provides excellent transient response.
The low weight, high stiffness and high internal resistance of carbon mean that the dynamic driver can quickly start and stop movements as it responds to changes in the input signal. The high internal damping of the carbon-based diaphragm's thousands of stacked and woven cross-fibre filaments means that the edge and centre of the diaphragm can move quickly in the same direction - minimising the driver break-up that occurs when different parts of the driver move out of sync. This results in less distortion and ultimately a clearer sound.
10mm--Large dynamic driver --Tensile strength 9 times that of steel 1/4--For the same volume ¼ lighter than beryllium 4.
Custom Knowles BA driver -Like you've been to a concert.
For midrange frequencies, the FH15 uses the custom Knowles ED-30262 BA drivers.
These drivers work in conjunction with specially placed tuning holes in the FH15's cabinet, allowing for richer vocals and a more musical sound. The treble is reproduced by 2 Knowles RAD-33518 BA drivers, which offer high resolution in the treble and capture every last detail in the music for a truly airy sound. These drivers ensure that you have a listening experience as if you were there with the artists performing.
Individual notch filter
Richer sound for more enjoyable listening "For hybrid headphones with multiple drivers, finding the right combination requires looking at the drivers not only as a unit, but also independently. We first tuned each driver separately, as if it stood alone, and then combined the drivers scientifically. This methodical process allowed us to achieve our sonic goals for the FH15."
--FiiO IEM's R&D Centre
The Notch Filter was designed specifically for the FH15, giving it its distinctive sound. A Helmholtz resonator is designed to work with the ED drivers in the mid-frequency range. When the sound wave is at a certain frequency for which the Helmholtz resonator is designed, the volume of sounds at that frequency is amplified as the resonator concentrates and resonates that frequency. A look at the frequency response curve shows that the frequency response between 1 kHz and 4 kHz has been improved, resulting in denser sounding mids that give voices and instruments more realism without sounding thin. In addition, the resonator is connected to a thin port to eliminate unwanted resonance peaks and overlapping frequencies produced by the different drivers to achieve better coherence between the drivers while eliminating sibilance. This is the notch filter technology used in the FH15.
S.Turbo patented design
Scientific hi-fi with optimised frequency response Balance between bass, midrange and treble as well as clarity are the ideal sound goals of many audiophiles, but this is easier said than done with hybrid IEMs with multiple drivers. The reason is that the different drivers produce frequencies that overlap and interfere with each other. Therefore, crossovers are needed to split the frequencies to be generated between the drivers to achieve a clear, coherent sound. Therefore, the RC circuit design is used to manage the crossover in the higher frequencies, using the high-frequency driver with the higher resonance frequency as the high-pass filter. To manage the crossover in the lower frequencies, the traditional low-pass filter RC circuit requires components that take up too much space in the inherently small in-ear monitors. However, this did not stop FiiO from finding a solution that would ensure high quality bass frequencies produced by the drivers. The development team worked with an understanding of the basic principle of sound waves. The higher the frequency of the sound wave, the shorter the wavelength and the faster the attenuation. The FiiO development team worked with this basic principle and came up with the patented S.Turbo acoustic design*.
*Patent No: ZL2018211416279
To achieve our sound goals for the FH15 in the mids and highs, we filter the higher frequencies produced by the woofer in a low-pass filter called the S.Turbo Acoustic Design. This design reduces the overlap in frequency response between the woofers and midrange drivers, providing more coherence between the different drivers and a more balanced frequency response for a cleaner, more natural sound.
Reboot your senses
A fusion of classic and modern design The FH15 is a reinterpretation of in-ear monitor design with a dragon scale motif in a medium-sized oval shape that fits the ear perfectly for added comfort. The modern, minimalist lines blend seamlessly with the classic dragon scale design elements, giving the FH15 a vibrant, rugged look that redefines your idea of what an IEM can look like.
Aluminium alloy construction
5-axis CNC - The FH15 is constructed from aluminium alloy which, combined with the dragon scale design elements, gives the IEM a unique, exquisite feel. Due to the small surface area of the FH15 faceplate, precise 5-axis CNC machining ensures that every texture on the faceplate is appropriately three-dimensional and eye-catching. The CNC machining uses fine 0.8mm diameter milling heads to ensure that the textures on the front panel are both attractive to the eye and luxurious to the touch.
Come on, let me be in charge of the sound
Interchangeable audio filters
3 pairs of audio filters are included, each pair providing a different sound depending on the density of the materials in the filter:
Red filter - boosted bass, for a powerful sound
Black filter - balanced sound, transparent and clear
Green filter - exquisite highs, high resolution
*Green filter is pre-installed, the other filters are on the included storage sheet
Brand new FiiO HS18 earplugs
Included with the FH15 are 3 pairs of the FiiO HS18 ear tips. With a thickness of only 0.4 mm, the HS18 are extremely comfortable to wear. The HS18s also feature a large opening that matches the size of the earcup to minimise the barrier between the earpiece and the eardrum, ensuring maximum detail and less sound loss at high frequencies.
A high quality cable of great value
The FH15 comes with a 152-core, silver-plated, monocrystalline copper cable with 8 strands. The stranded braid specifically reduces skin and proximity effect, resulting in lower eddy current losses and therefore improved high frequency resolution. In addition, the audio connectors are interchangeable and 3.5mm/4.4mm connectors are included. *The interchangeable audio jack is officially patent pending by FABRILOUS.
Wearing style: Over-the-ear
IEM Housing construction: Aluminium alloy Dynamic
Driver: 10 mm carbon-based cone (low frequencies)
BA driver: Knowles RAD-33518*2 (high frequency)
Knowles ED-30262 (midrange)
Frequency response: 10Hz-40kHz
Impedance: 16 Ω @ 1kHz
Sensitivity: 112dB/mW@1kHz
Cable: 152 wires of high-purity, silver-plated, monocrystalline copper.
Cable length: Approx. 1.2 m
Weight of the device: Approx. 6.6g (without cable)
Rich accessories:
3.5 mm interchangeable plug*1 Pre-installed 4.4 mm interchangeable jack*1
Tweeter filter*2 (green ring) Pre-installed Balanced filter*2 (black ring) Bass filter*2 (red ring)
MMCX tool*1 Carrying bag HB1*
1 cleaning brush*
1 HS18 earplug*
3 pairs (SML) Balanced Earplugs*
3 pairs (SML) size M pre-installed vocal earplugs*
3 pairs (SML) Bass earplugs*
3 pairs (SML) Double flange earplugs*
2 pairs (M) Foam earplugs*
2 pairs (M)
Instruction manual*1
Flagship in-ear headphones 2 dynamic 6 BA 8 drivers IEM's push-pull dual dynamic driver units Custom Knowles enhanced mid-BA drivers Titanium+7000 aluminium construction Semi-open design Mid-frequency notch filter Four-way acoustic design Patented S.Turbo design, improved bass extension, more robust bass 3 interchangeable audio filters enabling different listening experiences High-purity monocrystalline sterling silver cable, 8 strands with a total of 224 wires Co-developed with Tokyo Onkyo Ltd. Rubycon film capacitor crossovers in audiophile quality Physical pass-through, refined frequency division Optimised wearing ergonomics Interchangeable 3.5/4.4 mm plugs Flagship sound Three years ago, the FH9 was launched, the first high-end hybrid headphones from FIIO. With its energetic dynamics, wide soundstage and pleasant sound quality, it was enthusiastically received by hi-fi users worldwide. It gradually became known among audiophiles as a great example of ‘balanced headphones’ and far exceeded expectations in terms of popularity. It is still a competitive headphone on the market today. The new FIIO FH19 from FIIO is a significant upgrade that incorporates a lot of user feedback. It retains the distinctive sound and premium build quality of the FH9 and has also been developed in partnership with Tokyo Onkyo Ltd. in Japan and Knowles in the USA. It features a truly high-end acoustic design, with richer and fuller mids and a more robust yet flexible bass. In addition, the fit has been redesigned and optimised based on the characteristics of the human ear, so you can enjoy flagship-level comfort. The top, further improved The new FIIO FH19 is equipped with two 13.7mm dynamic drivers and six balanced armature drivers, matching the flagship. The bass is reproduced by a completely new push-pull dual dynamic driver unit, which was developed jointly with Tokyo Onkyo Ltd. in Japan. This driver is characterised by significantly improved extension, cohesion and speed in the low frequency range. The mid to high frequencies are handled by specially adapted, improved Knowles Balanced Armature drivers for the midrange, achieving greater sound energy density for rich and delicate vocals that are wonderfully musical without sacrificing detail. As the cones move back and forth, the overall direction of movement of the two dynamic drivers remains consistent due to the push-pull arrangement, ensuring phase consistency. This effectively doubles the driving force and allows the diaphragms to damp each other with air. As a result, the dynamic drivers exhibit more stable movement and completely suppress any residual sound after the end of the audio signal. Compared to typical dynamic drivers, push-pull dual dynamic drivers require only half the amplitude to reach the target sound pressure level. This results in lower cone excursion, which significantly improves linear drive performance and further reduces intermodulation distortion, allowing the driver unit to deliver a cleaner sound. Customised Knowles Enhanced Mid-BA Drivers The FIIO FH19 uses six Knowles Balanced-Armature drivers as mid and high frequency units. To achieve an even higher level of vocal sound quality, FIIO has worked with Knowles to develop a custom balanced armature driver with enhanced midrange. By adding acoustic vents in the rear cavity of the driver, the mid-frequency driver gains more sound energy compared to typical mid-frequency drivers. This brings out the benefits of the midrange driver even more, resulting in rich and smooth vocals that sound as immersive and realistic as if the singer were standing right next to you. 7000 Series titanium and aluminium construction The FIIO FH19 boasts a build quality worthy of a flagship speaker, helped by its titanium centre frame. Its luxurious feel and uniquely charming titanium colour give it a premium look. As the part of the headphones that is touched the most, the rigidity and corrosion resistance of the pure titanium metal bracket thoroughly protects the rest of the headphone housing and makes it resistant to everyday wear and tear. The FIIO FH19 uses 7000 series aluminium*, which ensures a robust and resistant housing while reducing the weight of the headphones. Thanks to this aluminium, the FH19 offers a comfortable wearing experience even with more drivers and a more complex acoustic design. *7000 series aluminium alloy is widely used for aircraft fuselages, wings and other important components. It has high strength, rigidity and corrosion resistance. Fatigue-free listening, large sound stage Semi-open design The semi-open design was highly praised in the FIIO FH9, FH7S, FH5S and FD5. In the FH19, this proven semi-open design is used again and has been specially adapted to combine with FIIO's balanced pressure relief technology for the front and rear cavities - the result is a more natural and relaxed sound with a wide sound stage. This design efficiently equalises internal air pressure, eliminating the feeling of pressure on the eardrum, which also helps protect your hearing. Enjoy long listening without fatigue. Mid-frequency cut-off filter The FH19 features a variety of different drivers and acoustic design principles. The scientific tuning of the individual parts so that they form a harmonious whole is the essence of high-level tuning. To achieve this, the FIIO development team has developed a special ‘mid-frequency cut filter’ for the FH19 hybrid earphones. Further enhanced mid-range tests have shown that the FH19's mid-frequency cut filter not only retains the high resolution and clarity of the BA drivers, but also increases the sound pressure level in the mid-frequency range. This makes the vocals denser and fuller while ensuring a smooth transition between the dynamic driver and the BA driver for the mid frequencies. The FH19's mid-frequency cut-off filter effectively filters out the high-frequency 8 kHz peaks generated by the mid-range drivers. This reduces the overlap between the sound produced by the midrange and tweeter drivers, eliminating sibilance while ensuring high sound quality. The mid-frequency cut-off filter can also advance the crossover point of the balanced armature units. This ensures that these drivers have a truly independent frequency range and there is no interference with the other drivers, allowing the tweeters to perform to their full potential. The working principle of the FH19's mid-frequency cut-off filter: When the frequency of the sound wave is close to the natural frequency of the resonance chamber, the inner wall of the resonance chamber and the air generate vibrational friction, which converts the sound energy of certain frequency bands into mechanical and thermal energy, thereby consuming sound energy and achieving a sound absorption effect. Conversely, the resonance effect in the cavity is weaker if the frequency of the sound wave is far away from the natural frequency of the resonance chamber, resulting in less sound absorption. This principle forms the basis for the operation of the FH19's mid-frequency cut-off filter, which adjusts the sound produced by the mid-range drivers and achieves a physical pass-through effect. Focusing on small details to achieve big improvements Suspended voice coil To achieve flagship-level driver performance, the FIIO FH19 utilises a suspended voice coil. With this design, the voice coil leads are routed directly from the centre hole underneath the cone, allowing them to float in the gap. This avoids unnecessary contact and prevents additional adhesive load. Compared to conventional diaphragms*, the floating voice coil design ensures smooth and gentle diaphragm movement, minimising interference from other factors and fully exploiting the diaphragm's inherent potential. *Conventional diaphragms often use special adhesives to bond the voice coil to the diaphragm surface. However, this approach not only increases the overall weight of the diaphragm, but can also lead to a dynamic imbalance during dynamic movements of the driver. Uneven local weight distribution can lead to vibration irregularities, change the compliance of the cone and even cause distortion due to voice coil scraping. This ultimately affects the overall performance of the driver. Scalpel-like accuracy Rubycon audiophile-grade film capacitor crossovers The FH19 is equipped with the same high-precision Japanese film capacitors as the FA19, which offer exceptional accuracy in phase matching and have been developed with the utmost care for sound quality. While conventional resistor-based crossover components typically have an accuracy error of around 1%, the FH19 achieves an impressively low error rate of 0.1%. In addition, the FH19 not only achieves more precise crossover points compared to conventional ceramic capacitors, but also effectively improves the resolution in the high frequency range and results in a more detailed sound overall. Acoustic four-way design "While the basic design is derived from the FH9, the FH19 builds on and surpasses its predecessor by updating the bass and midrange drivers and implementing them in a more precisely controlled four-way crossover design. Special push-pull dual dynamic driver units are used in the low frequency range, and a ‘Turbine Low-Frequency Boost Technology’ is used for physical low-pass filtering for relaxed yet natural bass. For the mid frequencies, the FH19 introduces an innovative ‘3+1 semi-open’ acoustic layout with balanced armatures. This is complemented by a newly designed resonance chamber that allows for two separately managed mid-range areas, resulting in richer and more emotional mids. For the high frequencies, the FH19 retains the coaxial design with an acoustic guide, but also incorporates audiophile-quality Rubycon film capacitors. This combination enables high resolution with excellent high frequency response." Chief Engineer of FIIO IEM's R&D Centre Turbo-charged energy Patented S.Turbo design Inspired by turbochargers in super sports cars, the FIIO development team has created the patented S.Turbo acoustic design. This design ingeniously utilises the properties of sound wave guidance and improves bass performance through a turbine-shaped structure. The result is a deep and lively bass. In addition, the design skilfully filters out excess mid to high frequencies from the dynamic driver, ensuring smooth transitions between the low and mid to high frequencies. The result is a powerful and robust sound. Patent number: ZL2018211416279 Interchangeable audio filters As befits an IEM flagship, the FH19 has three pairs of interchangeable audio filters. Each filter has a different internal attenuation and mesh density, so you can customise the sound to your preference: Red audio filter - Boosts low frequencies and provides powerful and impressive bass Black audio filter - Provides a balanced sound that is clear and transparent Green audio filter - Delivers fine and detailed highs *Green filter is pre-installed. The other filters are included in the carrying case. Top-class comfort Optimised wearing ergonomics 10° ear cup angle Based on user feedback and numerous optimisations, the angle between the ear cup and the wearing surface along the Y-axis is exactly 10°, while the length of the ear cup remains unchanged. This adjustment means that the earphones fit even more precisely in the ear canal, which significantly improves both wearing comfort and stability. Gap-free, comfortable fit, the FH19 has a completely new, more three-dimensional rear recess design. Numerous tests led to numerous ergonomic optimisations, such as ear-friendly protrusions with a thickness of approx. 1.4 mm, which ensure a firm and stable fit by minimising any unwanted movement. The brand new design of the FH19 back panel features a slight reduction in thickness - approximately 1 mm - in the area corresponding to the fold of the human ear. This structural design significantly reduces the feeling of pressure and compression on the ear from the earphones. In combination with the excellent housing materials, the FH19 disappears into your ears while delivering a first-class sound. Pure silver for pure sound The FH19 comes with a high-purity pure silver cable as standard. Each of the 8 strands consists of 28 wires, totalling 224 wires. Each individual wire is insulated with enamel and the cable is braided into strands. The outer jacket is made of imported, transparent and environmentally friendly TPU, which enhances the transparent appearance of the cable. In addition, this material effectively prevents the cable from yellowing with prolonged use and becoming stiff at low temperatures. *The cable is identical to the LC-RD Pro 2022 Straight, interchangeable twist-lock audio plugs Supports 3.5/4.4 mm plugs and features extended stainless steel MMCX plugs *Patent for interchangeable audio plugs licensed by FABRILOUS. Listen the way you want 22 pairs of ear tips included As befits a flagship model, the FH19 comes with 22 pairs of ear tips in different shapes and sizes* to give you a comfortable listening experience no matter what your preferences are. In addition to the popular HS18 and SpinFit ear tips, the new HS18 silicone ear tips are also included. Specifications Headphone type: Hybrid in-ear monitors with dynamic and BA fittings Frequency response: 8Hz-40kHz Impedance: 16Ω@1kHz Sensitivity: 109dB/mW@1kHz Cable type: 8 strands with a total of 224 wires of high-purity pure silver Length of cable: Approximately 1.2m Weight of headphone unit: Approximately 12g (without cable) Earphone connection: Extended MMCX Audio plug: Straight twist-lock plug3 pairs of HS20 silicone ear tips (S/M/L) 3 pairs of HS18 ear tips (S/M/L) 3 pairs of SpinFit ear tips (S/M/L) 2 pairs of foam ear tips (M) 3 pairs of bass ear tips (S/M/L) 3 pairs of balanced ear tips (S/M/L) (size M pre-installed) 3 pairs of vocal ear tips (S/M/L) 2 pairs of dual flange ear tips (M) 1x HB7 carrying case 1x cleaning brush 1x MMCX quick release 1x magnetic cable clip 1 set of audio filters red/black/green 1x pure silver earphone cable with interchangeable plug 3. 5/4.4 mm 1x quick start guide
FiiO FH3 - Hybrid in-ear headphones with S.TURBOFiiO FH3 in summary: The FiiO FH3 in-ear headphones come with a host of innovations and improvements, all of which guarantee an even more balanced and natural sound image. Hybrid construction of dynamic and BA drivers, beryllium coating on the dynamic driver and much, much more.The highlights of the FiiO FH3 in-ear headphones at a glance: The best of both worlds - hybrid of dynamic and BA drivers. Beryllium-coated driver - Crisp and precise bass Patented S.TURBO acoustic design - Provides a clean sound image High quality headphone cable - 96 strands with silver plating Elegant and robust housing - CNC machined from aluminiumBalanced Armature + Dynamic Driver = Perfect SoundFiiO FH3 driverThe in-ear, i.e. the headphone that is placed in the ear, dominates the worldwide market, but there are certainly people who do not like the feeling in the ear and therefore reject this design.If you don't fancy in-ear headphones, but are still looking for extremely compact headphones and don't want to compromise on sound quality, take a look and listen to the FiiO EM5. These also plug into the ear, but only rest on the ear canal (instead of being plugged in) and still deliver excellent sound.Beryllium-coated driver - combining the extremesFiiO FH3 diaphragmFor first-class sound, drivers are needed that are actually supposed to combine completely contradictory characteristics. On the one hand, they should be as stiff and resistant to distortion as possible, but on the other hand, they should be as light as possible so that they can react to impulses as quickly as possible and reproduce the music signal faithfully.Beryllium solves this problem. On the one hand, it is extremely strong (4x stronger than steel) and effectively hardens the 14.2 millimetre diaphragm in the headphones against unwanted distortions in the music signal, but at the same time it is wonderfully light, so that the impulse fidelity of the driver is maintained.Patented S.TURBO design - With integrated pressure equalisationFiiO FH3 S.TurboThe S.TURBO design consists of a bass reflex tube with an impressive length of 41.5 millimetres, shaped like a scroll inside the headphones. But not only the bass benefits from the design, but also the high frequencies, because unwanted high frequency components are effectively filtered out on their way through the tube. The whole thing happens so effectively that FiiO calls it a true 3-way design with electronic and physical crossover.In addition to the "snail" in the headphones that stabilises the bass, there is another clever feature: two outlets per earphone that regulate pressure inside the headphones, ensuring a balanced and clean sound.High-purity silver throughout the headphone cable - uncompromising qualityFiiO FH3 headphone cableWhen it comes to music, every detail counts. Just like the 1.20 metre headphone cable used, for example. FiiO knows this and makes no compromises. For the connection from the plug to the headphones, 96 individual conductors of monocrystalline silver-coated copper are used, all of which together ensure a lively and clear sound.Aircraft-grade aluminium and magnesium housing - precision engineeredFiiO FH3 HousingThe housing of each earphone in the FiiO FH3 in-ear headphones is precision CNC-machined. It takes 4340 (!) individual steps to create the perfect product.But the housing is not only durable and of high quality. It also incorporates all the experience gained with FiiO's previous in-ears, making it even more comfortable to wear.A difference you can see and feel.Maximum flexibility with the headphone jack - with one clickFiiO FH3 headphone jackWith the FiiO FH3's built-in MMCX connector, any headphone cable can be easily clicked, unplugged and swapped.Whether you want to use a different headphone cable with a larger or smaller jack plug, or use "Bluetooth cables" such as the FiiO UTWS1 or FiiO LC-BT2: All possible in no time at all.Lots of accessories included - Various ear tips includedFiiO FH3 accessoriesEvery ear and every listening taste is different. That's why the FiiO FH3 comes with a whole stack of different pairs of ear tips in various sizes and sound settings. There are three pairs for bass lovers. Three pairs for those who prefer a balanced sound reproduction. And three pairs for all those who appreciate a high-frequency reproduction.And for very sensitive ears, there are also two super-soft pairs of foam tips. Thanks to body heat, these adapt elegantly to the inner ear and guarantee unadulterated listening pleasure even for many hours at a stretch.
FiiO FH5s - The in-ear headphones for the big stageThe FiiO FH5s in-ear headphones are not only an absolute eye-catcher with their elegant design, but are also technically extremely appealing and packed with clever ideas. With its "2+2" driver concept, tuning switches for sound adjustment and TRISHELL housing, FiiO once again proves that first-class engineers with a love of music were at work here. Let's go!The highlights of the FiiO FH5s at a glance: 2+2 drivers work in tandem - Dynamic meets Balanced Armature Semi-open cabinet concept - pressure in the bass; and not in the ear TRISHELL-Acoustic-Design - No chance for resonance and distortion Customisable sound - 3 switches for 8 settings High compatibility and flexibility - For connection and cables2+2 drivers in tandem - Simple maths for the best soundThe FiiO FH5s uses a total of four drivers - two dynamic drivers and two balanced-armature drivers.The dynamic drivers in detailFiiO FH5s driver diagramThe woofer uses a 12-millimetre beryllium-coated driver encased in an extremely rigid yet flexible polyurethane polymer surround. The sonic advantages of beryllium are obvious. On the one hand, it is considerably lighter, but also much stronger than titanium or aluminium. With its high internal damping, beryllium minimises disturbing resonances that would distort the sound.The woofer is driven by a powerful N52 neodymium magnet, which at 1.5 Tesla represents the current maximum magnetic force in a compact permanent magnet.The midrange is also driven by a beryllium-coated dynamic driver, but this time with a diameter of 6 millimetres. There, the dynamic driver provides clear and realistic vocal reproduction that blends harmoniously with the rest of the sound image.The Balanced Armature drivers in detailFiiO FH5s Knowles TWFK-30017Connoisseurs already know, but balanced-armature drivers are incredibly precise, responsive and accurate. Their disadvantage, however, is that they only do their job perfectly in a fairly small frequency range. Because of their compact dimensions, balanced-armature drivers are quite easy to "stack" and combine several in one pair of headphones. This is the case in the FiiO FH5s.Here, two balanced-armature drivers share the tweeter and the super-tweeter - and they do so with the highest precision and first-class timing.Semi-open cabinet - closed, high-resolution sound imageThese headphones really pack a punch in the bass. Both in the sound image and physically. In a completely closed housing, this air pressure would have no chance to escape and would inevitably spread to the sensitive inner ear. And thus cause a certain fatigue during longer listening sessions.But the semi-open design has other advantages. For one thing, an open, wide soundstage, since the sound can spread out realistically - similar to the original recording. Secondly, the shape of the air outlets is reminiscent of a dragon's scale, giving the FiiO FH5s a unique look.Intricate TRISHELL design - Because every detail countsOf course, you can make a headphone housing out of two halves of plastic and glue them together. But you can also do it like FiiO did with the FH5s and approach the subject with the greatest possible care. With a "sandwich construction" of three individual parts made of aluminium/magnesium, milled in an elaborate CNC process. The parts themselves are in turn connected to each other at three points, and together they ensure that resonances and distortions are reduced to a minimum.Music as individual as you are - in the blink of an eyeFiiO FH5s enclosure with switchWhether you prefer your music bass-driven, with more detail in the high frequencies or with a focus on voices, with the FiiO FH5s it's just a click away. This is done via the discreet dip switches for bass, mid-range and treble that are elegantly embedded in the headphones.Of course, the effects can also be combined, so that a total of eight different settings are possible with the three switches. So music always sounds the way YOU like it.Versatile and flexible - even with the connectionsFor the connection from the jack plug to the headphones, 120 individual conductors made of copper coated with monocrystalline silver are used, all of which together ensure a lively and crystal-clear sound. And to top it all off, the headphone cable offers not one, but three different connection options via the included interchangeable connector plugs. 2.5 mm balanced jack, 3.5 mm jack and 4.4 mm balanced jack are fitted to the cable in no time at all.
And you also have all the options in the headphones themselves, since the cable is not permanently welded, but realised in the MMCX standard. This means that you can replace the already very high-quality headphone cable with another cable of your choice with just a flick of the wrist.Packed to the brim with accessories - everything your heart desiresFiiO FH5s accessoriesSound is individual, and so are the ear tips on the FiiO FH5s. You can choose from three different Ear Tips with bass-emphasised character, balanced character and voice-emphasised character. Each comes in sizes S, M and L. For noisy environments, there are two pairs of Bi-Flange Ear Tips (S and L) and three pairs of Foam Tips for particularly sensitive ears.Also included: the practical FiiO HB5 storage box, a cleaning brush for cleaning after longer use and the Final MMCX ASSIST. Don't you know it? You'll learn to love it when you try to disconnect the MMCX cable from the headphones. Promise.
FiiO FH7S - Welcome to the new S-Class.
The FiiO InEar headphones FH7S in summary: The FiiO FH7S scores with its 3-way design with four Balanced Armature drivers, the dynamic driver made of Diamond-like Carbon as well as the intelligent tuning filters for a customizable sound. High end at an affordable price.
The highlights of the FiiO FH7S at a glance:
- All roads lead to Rome - And three to excellent sound. - Everyone gets what they need - Dynamic DLC driver + Balanced Armature - Diamond-like Carbon - Ultra-firm, arrow-quick and dust-dry bass - Integrated turbocharger - S.TURBO V2.0 provides perfect bass - The sound of your life - Three tuning filters included Five drivers for one result - Uncompromisingly good sound In principle, even a single diaphragm can reproduce the complete frequency range in an in-ear headphone. But the FiiO FH7S is ultimately not about fundamentals, but about excellence.
DLC meets Balanced Armature - With lots of know-how And so five (!) drivers are used in the FH7S. For each frequency range a separate specialist, which was developed and optimized exclusively for its task. And so a pair of SWFK-31736 balanced-armature drivers take care of the high frequencies, a pair of DFK balanced-armature drivers take care of the midrange, and a dynamic "DLC" driver (short for "Diamond-like Carbon") provides pressure and structure in the bass. And as usual, FiiO leaves nothing at all to chance when it comes to the drivers. If Knowles is already one of the best balanced-armature manufacturers in the world, FiiO did not miss the opportunity to participate in the development and contribute himself. And the development of the Diamond-like Carbon driver is entirely in-house.
Diamond-like Carbon - Shining appearance in the FiiO FH7S Balanced Armature drivers are incredibly precise and are therefore the first choice for excellent sound. Except in the bass range, because here they can't generate the necessary excursion. So an adequate alternative had to be found that could keep up with the BA drivers in terms of sound. And since they didn't really find anything on the market, FiiO sat down and developed a suitable driver themselves: the dynamic 13.6 millimeter "Diamond-like Carbon" driver. What exactly distinguishes this driver is already in the name: a high-strength structure, similar to a diamond. This is absolutely necessary, especially in the bass range, so that bass sounds not only powerful and deep, but also precise and structured, without clanking or distorting. And that's where the physical properties of carbon come in handy. On the one hand, this material is super light and has high internal damping, but at the same time it is extremely strong and stable, which makes it the perfect material for bass cones. The only downside: it's expensive.
A stylish dwelling - With intelligent, sound-rich ideas.
At first glance, the FiiO FH7S looks like a piece of technology from the future. And it is a bit, considering how many innovations have gone into it.
Larger stage and more relaxed listening
The 2nd generation semi-open design significantly further improves airflow in and out of the cabinet - which means an even more balanced soundstage. In addition, the inevitable air pressure on the listener's inner ear is significantly reduced, guaranteeing many hours of unclouded music enjoyment and significantly improving stage imaging.
More beautiful voices thanks to notch filter
Voices are a real challenge in sound reproduction. Often there is the dreaded "hiss" on the sibilants, especially with S sounds. This is caused by unwanted resonances that are mixed in with the actual music signal and cause a sharpness or harshness in the sound image.
The precisely calculated notch filter in the FiiO FH7S ensures that these unwanted resonances do not even find their way into the ear canal, but are caught beforehand. What remains is the pure, unadulterated music signal and a completely relaxed sound.
S.TURBO technology - clean and structured bass guaranteed Bass reflex tubes are not only found in speakers, but also in (miniaturized) form in in-ear headphones like the FiiO FH7S. However, this is not simply a tube, but the patented S.TURBO design. The bass reflex tube is shaped like a turbine, through which the sound, or rather the air excited by it, is precisely accelerated and directed. This concept gives, for example, drums significantly more authority and precision at the same time.
Everybody hears differently - the FiiO FH7S helps you to do so Everyone likes their music differently, and of course FiiO knows that. And so that you do not now need different headphones for different music genres and tastes, the FH7S comes with three different sound filters with which you can create your own personal sound. So there's a dynamic filter that adds more fun bass, a balanced filter that balances bass and treble, and a filter that favors treble and adds even more detail to the soundstage.Now you just have to decide what you like best.
Wearing comfort has also been thought of With many other headphones, the cable simply hangs down on the headphones and thus once again contributes its share to the perceived weight. Not so with the FiiO FH7S. There, the cable is routed over the ear, which not only relieves your ear of the weight, but also at the same time still provides a comfortable yet firm fit in the ear. Whether you're sitting relaxed on the sofa enjoying music or really working out in the gym: The FH7S stays securely in place.
Screwing instead of plugging - And that at the highest level Of course, the FiiO FH7S can only play back what it receives as a signal from the source. And so that nothing goes wrong on the way from the player to the headphones, FiiO has also thought of the matching headphone cable. At its core, this is a high-quality copper cable that has been coated with monocrystalline silver. Every single one of the 152 strands in the cable. A clever detail here is that you can choose between the 3.5 millimeter and 4.4 millimeter jack plugs included in the scope of delivery. And these are not simply plugged on or pushed into each other, but securely screwed to the actual cable. This guarantees that no note is lost.
Accessories for all situations - Gigantic scope of delivery In addition to the high-quality headphone cable, the FiiO FH7S also comes with plenty of other practical accessories. Such as the silicone ear tips FiiO HS18, which celebrate their premiere in the FH7S. What's special about them: The part that touches the ear is just 0.4 millimeters thick and thus adapts perfectly to the individual shape of the ear. Once again, hours of unadulterated listening pleasure are guaranteed. And as if that weren't enough, there's a whole armada of different Ear Tips in various sizes, fits and tonal tunings. Plus, the FiiO HB5 storage bag, a cleaning brush, and the handy magnetic clip to keep cables from tangling and twisting.
In the field of high-quality in-ear headphones, the manufacturer FiiO Electronics Technology Inc. Co. now offers an impressive product portfolio with various technologies. The new FiiO FH9 takes on the role of the flagship of the manufacturer's in-ear series. It belongs to the hybrid headphone systems that feature a dynamic driver as well as several BA drivers (Balanced Armature). The hybrid series represents the most successful series of FiiO in-ear speakers.Features and highlights of the FiiO FH9The new FiiO FH9 in-ear features a number of special characteristics, ranging from the construction to the enormous frequency response. 1 Dynamic driver with 13.6 millimetre DLC diaphragm 6 Balanced Armature (BA) drivers Frequency range: 10 Hertz to 40 Kilohertz Replaceable audio filter Efficiency 108 decibels Maximum input power / power handling: 100 milliwatts High-quality cable made of pure silver wire Interchangeable 2.5 millimetre, 3.5 millimetre or 4.4 millimetre plugs Titanium housingConstruction and principle of the FiiO FH9The FiiO FH9 consists of a high-quality titanium housing. This is of a semi-open design. Unlike other in-ears, which often have ventilation openings, the FiiO FH9's paceplate is permeable to air. This is achieved by protecting the open areas with a filigree mesh. The open design principle allows the dynamic driver to move completely freely. In this way, pressure equalisation occurs naturally, while distortion is also avoided. Both contribute to long and fatigue-free listening.FiiO FH9 package and deliveryAs is typical for the market, FiiO Electronics Technology Inc. includes a comprehensive range of accessories with its new FH9 headphones. In addition to the actual in-ears, the scope of delivery includes a high-quality case (FiiO HB5), a detachable cable, interchangeable plugs, three pairs of sound filters, numerous tips of various sizes and formats, cable clip and cleaning brush. The cable can be connected with several interchangeable plugs that can be quickly interchanged. Balanced plugs with 2.5 or 4.4 millimetres are included as well as a 3.5 millimetre unbalanced plug.Technology and sound of the FiiO FH9In the FH9 model, the manufacturer uses the Knowles drivers already known from other FiiO products for the BA drivers. The bass is generated by the dynamic DLC driver with its diameter of 13.5 millimetres. This bass provides a deep frequency response, which also has a high assertiveness in the upper bass. Depending on the productions you listen to, this can significantly enrich the sound image. With low bass recordings, the FH9 ensures that the existing bass is better perceived. If the production of the music is already bass-heavy, the bass can move to the foreground, but not at the expense of the highs and mids. In the mids, the Balanced Armature drivers from Knowles are finely tuned.The range of highs and super-highs is of balanced tuning in the FiiO FH9, which does not move too much to the foreground.Thanks to the included sound filters, it is always possible to adjust the sound to a certain extent to personal preferences. The bass filter provides a particularly dynamic and deep bass foundation. Those who prefer a high-resolution sound image with a high level of detail, especially in the treble, will benefit from the treble filter. The balanced filters provide a well-balanced sound image that transparently and clearly combines the advantages of the different sound worlds.Cabinet, workmanship and qualityThe workmanship and design of the FiiO FH9 are exceptional: the housing is made of titanium and has the noble matt grey finish typical of this material. The design is designed for a universal fit, as these are universal in-ear headphones. The manufacturer does not use a special anatomical design. FiiO relies on a high quality of workmanship and all components are optimally matched and joined together.The cable of the FiiO FH9A special feature is the cable with its interchangeable plug systems. The supplied cable is basically designed for balanced operation, but also supports unbalanced operation by changing the plugs. In this way, the cable or headphones can be operated with a classic 3.5 millimetre jack plug as well as with the 2.5 millimetre jack and 4.4 millimetre jack formats.Thanks to the two balanced plugs (2.5 and 4.4 millimetres) and the unbalanced 2.5 millimetre plug, there is a high degree of flexibility in the operation of the FiiO FH9. The plugs can be quickly exchanged at any time and the headphones can be adapted to a wide variety of playing partners.
Sufficient volume levels are also possible with the FiiO FH9 In Ear headphones in unbalanced operation with 3.5 millimetre jack. The characteristic sound pressure level is 108 dB / mW at an impedance of 18 ohms. In combination with the maximum power consumption of 100 mW, volumes of up to 128 dB are possible.The cable meets high standards in terms of construction and workmanship. The cable consists of 8 strands of 28 cores each and is made of monocrystalline silver. This provides a certain strength to the cable, which is, however, extremely comfortable to wear. The MMCX connectors are in stainless steel housings that can be rotated.Case and storage of the FiiO FH9The FiiO FH9 come in the FiiO HB5 case, which is already familiar from other headphones from the manufacturer. This high-quality case is made of imitation leather. The case is functional and precisely designed for the safe storage of the headphones. For this purpose, it offers an optimal size and compartments specially designed for the in-ears.
FiiO FW3 10mm Dynamic Driver - True Wireless - Bluetooth In-Ear Headphones
Fully integrated Hi-Fi TWS design
High quality DAC & AMP architecture
Powerful AK4332 DAC chipset
QCC5141 Bluetooth chipset from Qualcomm
High-resolution Bluetooth V5.2 connectivity: LHDC, AptX Adaptive, AptX, SBC, AAC High-Res Wireless protocols
Dynamic carbon-based driver unit (10 mm)
10-band PEQ settings
4 physical buttons
Incredible battery life of up to 21 hours
Specially tuned frequency response for a true Hi-Res experience
Game-ready with low latency
Lightweight and comfortable design
Enjoy your Hi-Res audio experience wirelessly with the all-new FiiO FW3. The FW3 is a fully integrated Hi-Fi TWS with built-in DAC& architecture. The FW3 features a high-performance AK4332 DAC and Qualcomm's latest QCC5141 Bluetooth chipset. You get full Bluetooth V5.2 connectivity with high-resolution LHDC, AptX Adaptive, AptX, etc. Codec support. FiiO has also equipped the FW3 with a 10-band PEQ function that allows users to optimise the output to their taste. By default, FiiO has tuned the FW3 for pure High-Resolution Audio clarity. With a battery life of up to 21 hours, you can enjoy hours of hi-fi music on a single charge.Fully integrated hi-fi TWS headphonesThe market for TWS is huge. What sets the FiiO FW3 apart from the crowd is its professional audio architecture, which offers listeners clear, high-resolution sound. The pair features an integrated AK4332 DAC and AMP chipset for clear signal decoding and a pure high-resolution experience.Qualcomm's QCC5141 DAC chipsetTo enable high-speed, low-latency Bluetooth connectivity, FiiO has equipped the FW3 with the latest Qualcomm QCC5141 Bluetooth chip, which supports full Bluetooth V5.2 connectivity. The FW3 feature leading high-resolution Bluetooth codecs such as LHDC, AptX Adaptive, AptX, etc. The LHDC format enables smooth streaming of signals up to 24bit/96kHz.High-resolution sound with professional 10mm dynamic driver unitOver the years, FiiO has gained experience in developing high-quality IEMs and audio accessories. With this experience, they have designed the FW3 for a pure High-Resolution Audio experience. It is equipped with a 10mm dynamic carbon-based driver unit. It promises premium audio performance with deep bass, clear mids and beautifully detailed highs.Specially tuned for a true Hi-Res experienceFiiO has professionally tuned the FW3 TWS earphones to deliver a pure Hi-Res audio experience.10-Band Parametric EQ SettingsThe FiiO FW3 features 10-band Parametric EQ settings. This allows users to easily adjust the output to their preferences and desires. The 10-band EQ allows precise EQ settings with the desired frequency bands.Gaming-grade performance with low latencyThe FiiO FW3 is gaming-ready and features low latency with a sub-100ms latency. This makes it a suitable and ideal choice for watching movies or playing video games.Incredible battery lifeThe FiiO FW3 TWS earphones have an amazing battery life of up to 21 hours. The earphones themselves last about 7 hours and with the charging case you get another 14 hours.
FiiO FW5True Wireless, in true high fidelity quality - Fully integrated True Wireless earphones
Fully integrated HiFi TWS
Independent AK4432 DAC
High-end QCC5141 Bluetooth chip
1 2-BA dynamic driver per ear
10 mm dynamic driver
DLC diaphragm with PU seal
2 high frequency BA drivers
Supports high-resolution Bluetooth formats such as LHDC/aptX Adaptive
Carefully tuned frequency response
4 physical buttons
21h+ battery life
"Box" on/off switch
Dual microphones with cVc noise cancellation for calls
LED indicator light
2 different sounding ear buds
The best of all worlds - Fully integrated hi-fi TWS solutionThe FW5 combines several of FiiO's cutting-edge technologies into a fully integrated, high-fidelity wireless solution. It is one of the first TWS headphones to integrate a high-end Bluetooth chip, a high-performance DAC and a carefully designed audio circuit to deliver a major leap in quality across the board. Let the FWS show you what TWS' new high-fidelity earphones are really capable of.Hearty Robust - Independent AK4332 DACA true wireless headphone must offer high fidelity! The FW5 contains an efficient AKM VELVET SOUND DAC - the AK4332, which boasts powerful decoding capabilities. This chip achieves a signal-to-noise ratio of up to 106 dB, a distortion of only 0.0016% and a dynamic range of up to 102 dB.More throughput - Qualcomm QCC5141 Bluetooth chipFor true wireless earphones, the Bluetooth chip is undoubtedly one of the most important components. The FW5 uses the high-quality Qualcomm QCC5141, which ensures stable and powerful Bluetooth audio transmission thanks to its dual-DSP and dual-core architecture. In addition, the FW5 is Snapdragon Sound-certified, which is a testament to its high-level audio capabilities.Acoustic goodness - one ear at a timeThe FW5 was developed by the same FiiO research team that created the wired high-fidelity flagship FH9. In the tiny space of a true wireless headphone, the team was able to fit a large 10mm dynamic driver responsible for the low and mid frequencies, while the higher frequencies are reproduced by two Knowles BA drivers. These drivers work together to produce powerful and textured bass while reproducing every detail in the treble.More than just big - 10 mm dynamic driverThe FW5 features a large 10mm dynamic driver for the low and mid frequencies. The driver has been specially designed to maximise the sound quality of its N50 neodymium magnets. These N50 magnets, with their high magnetic density, allow for better dynamics and a larger soundstage for a thoroughly powerful sound.Bringing out the big guns - DLC diaphragm with PU seal.The FW5 uses PU as the material of choice for the gasket surrounding the dynamic driver's diaphragm, as its flexibility and high damping coefficient allow for richer vocals and faster transient response. The dynamic driver's diaphragm is made of DLC, which has beneficial properties such as high stiffness and low weight, resulting in less unwanted break-up of the dynamic driver. This results in less non-linear distortion and ultimately better resolution.For every little detail - 2 high-frequency BA drivers per ear.For high frequencies, 2 BA drivers are used for each channel. These BA drivers are placed in the sound tube near the ear to reduce high frequency loss as the sound waves travel to the listener's ear. This design ensures that even sounds at 16 kHz can still be heard clearly. Thanks to this design, the FW5 offers an airy, exceptionally detailed high-frequency response that captures every nuance of your music.HiFi TWS is the new thing - support for the LHDC/aptX adaptive High-Res Bluetooth format.With the FW5, FiiO underlines its claim to be at the forefront of new audio technologies. Not only is it Snapdragon Sound certified, it also supports LHDC/aptX Adaptive for the ultimate in true wireless audio quality. This support ensures both a massive upgrade in sending and receiving high-quality wireless audio, as well as a significant improvement in compatibility with various devices.Carefully tuned sound - Pleasant frequency response curveAs the first TWS earphones developed entirely by FiiO, we didn't focus on features like active noise cancellation (ANC) with the FW5. Instead, we focused on providing the ultimate sound quality in a fully integrated TWS headphone. And while it's easy to adjust the frequency response curve via DSP, we chose not to. Instead, we chose to refine the physical design of the device to reduce distortion and retain the unique sound of the drivers - maximising sound quality through good design and fully respecting the original music.--JosephSenior IEM Research EngineerEasy operation with 0 accidental touches - 4 physical buttons.The development team chose a solution for operating the FW5 during use based on real-world testing and experience - 2 physical buttons for each ear unit. Physical buttons not only minimise microphonics during use, but the placement perpendicular to the wearing angle makes it easier to press the buttons without much effort.A reassuring partner - 21+ hours of battery life.Despite its powerful DAC chip, high-end Bluetooth chip and carefully designed audio circuitry, the FW5 has a battery life sufficient for everyday use. With its large built-in 60 mAh battery, the FW5 can operate for up to 6.5 hours on a single charge. The 380 mAh charger allows for a total battery life of more than 21 hours."Box" switchWhen the FW5 charging case is opened, the earphones are automatically switched on and paired with the last device. When the earphones are placed back in the charging case, the FW5 earphones automatically turn off to save power.* If the charging case is not powered, this function is not supported.LED indicator lightsBoth the charging case and the FW5 earphones have LED indicators to show you their status. The 4 indicator lights on the charging case show not only the remaining battery charge and charging status, but also whether the earphones are in the case. The earphones also have a white indicator light to show pairing and connection status.Enjoy communicating - Dual-mic cVc noise cancellationEach ear cup of the FW5 has 2 microphones which, together with cVc noise cancellation technology, provide clearer calls and make communicating a pleasure.Multiple tastes in one place - 2 sets of ear tips included.The FW5 comes standard with a set of symmetrical ear tips and 2 alternative sets of vocal ear tips for different sound preferences. The vocal earplugs are made of medical grade silicone with a soft texture that makes them comfortable to wear - a perfect combination of sound quality and high wearing comfort.FW5 specificationsModel FW5Driver 1 Dynamic 2 BABA driver Knowles RADDynamic driver 10mm DLC cone + PU sealFrequency response 20-20kHzSensitivity 106dB/mW(@1kHz)Impedance 32Ω±20%(@1kHz)Charging time For charging case Approx. 1h40minBattery life Approximately 7 hours (earphones) + 14 hours (charging case).Weight of earphone unit Approx. 6.4 gTotal weight approx. 57.2 gDimensions of the earpiece 28.4*22.9*22.6mmCharger dimensions 68.4*43.9*32.3 mmDAC distortion 0.0016 %.DAC signal to noise ratio 106dB.Battery capacity earpiece:65mAhCharger:380mAhBattery life for calls Approx. 5h30minRich accessoriesFW5 earphones 1 pairCharging case 1HS18 earplugs (S/M/L) 1 setCleaning brush 1Quick start guide 1
FiiO FX15
4 electrostatic + 1DD + 1BA hybrid in-ear monitor
FiiO's first IEMs with EST drivers
Hybrid configuration with six drivers
Four high-resolution SONION electrostatic drivers
One high-performance Knowles balanced-armature driver
One custom-designed dynamic 10mm DLC dome driver
Unique conceptual "Sound & Shape" design
Switch to turn on the EST drivers
FiiO's patented S. Turbo acoustic architecture
Professional DLP 3D printed resin ear cups
Ergonomic and lightweight
224-core high purity sterling silver cable
Secure MMCX connectors / Modular connector system
The new FiiO FX15 is a multi-driver hybrid IEM featuring a hybrid driver set with six drivers on each side. The pair houses a combination of three types of drivers:a 10mm DLC Dynamic driver,a Knowles Premium Balanced Armature driverand four Sonion EST drivers.The FiiO FX15 is FiiO's first product with an EST implementation. It has been designed with extreme precision and great professionalism to deliver high-end sound quality and a comfortable wearing experience. With professional tuning settings, the FiiO FX15 delivers great sound resolution and the ultimate music listening experience to its users.Premium sound with advanced architectureThe FiiO brand has years of experience in designing and developing premium audio devices. FiiO has designed the latest FX15 with a unique six-driver hybrid configuration that promises high-end sound to its users. The pair consists of a dedicated 10mm DLC dome dynamic driver for a powerful bottom end, a Knowles midrange/treble driver unit and four Sonion EST tweeter driver units. The drivers work together to produce a truly high-resolution sound output.FiiO's first implementation of electrostatic driversThe FiiO FX15 is FiiO's first implementation of high-resolution electrostatic drivers in IEMs. The brand has collaborated with SONION, one of the leading brands in the industry, to deliver high-quality and high-performance electrostatic driver units. Using four EST drivers on each side, the FiiO FX15 delivers a hugely detailed high frequency band.Switch on the EST drivers at willThe EST drivers are arranged here to enhance high-frequency extension and provide users with impressive high-frequency resolution. The pair features a switch that allows users to easily turn the EST drivers on and off.FiiO's patented S.Turbo acoustic designTo enhance the low frequency response produced by the dynamic driver unit, FiiO has equipped the pair with its patented S.Turbo acoustic design architecture. It incorporates an ultra-thin and long acoustic tube that significantly improves the pair's bass response.Professional tuning settingsThe FiiO FX15 is a true high-resolution in-ear monitor that promises high-end sound with its exquisite driver setup. The pair is tuned to deliver a balanced sound with powerful bass, beautiful mids and smooth but detailed highs.Exquisite looks with "Sound and Shape" design themeFiiO's FX15 IEMs feature an eye-catching ear cup design. The design of the pair is inspired by the "Sound and Shape" design theme. The pair looks beautiful with its designer covers.High-precision 3D-printed ear cupsFiiO has teamed up with a top brand in the industry and used their exquisite craftsmanship to create the beautiful FX15. The pair is made from high quality resin material, manufactured using high-precision DLP 3D printing technology. The shells are lightweight and promise to keep the listener comfortable.High purity cableTo ensure that the FiiO FX15 delivers premium sound performance, FiiO ships the pair with its high-purity 224-core sterling silver cable. It features an interchangeable connector system with 3.5mm and 4.4mm plugs included. The high-purity wire core allows for smooth signal transmission with low internal resistance for the audio signal.SpecificationsImpedance:24Ω@1kHzFrequency range: 20Hz-40kHzSensitivity: 103dB/mWConnector plugs: 4.4mm+3.5mm.
FiiO JD1 Connect directly to your smartphone or computer via USB Type-C port With wired remote control and MicrophoneEntry-level all-rounder 10 mm LCP driver
Asymmetrical internal and external magnetic circuits Balanced pressure relief of the front and rear chambers Die-cast zinc alloy front panel Triangular ergonomic shape Low weight of only 7 g each USB Type-C and 0.78 2-pin detachable cable Aluminium alloy sound nozzle Hi-Res Audio certified - entry into the world of audio Jointly developed by FIIO and Jade Audio, the J-Series earphones have been praised by users for their simple yet elegant design and excellent sound quality at an affordable price. The new JD1 Series dynamic IEMs are a breath of fresh air in the vast selection of IEMs on the market.
The JD1s are an excellent entry into the world of hi-fi earphones, offering great sound quality from a trusted brand at an affordable price.
The included cable with in-line controls and microphone allows you to quickly relay information to your teammates, while the JD1's precise sound positioning gives you an advantage over your opponents. *The included cable features an HD microphone with integrated controls
- the centre button is for answer/hang up and play/pause; the top and bottom buttons are for volume adjustment. Lowering the barrier to entry in the hi-fi industry
Entry-level Dynamic 10mm LCP driver earphones should be well crafted so that more users can experience the wonders of high-fidelity sound. To this end, the development team equipped the JD1 with a dynamic 10 mm LCP (Liquid Crystal Polymer) driver. Thanks to its light weight and high rigidity, this driver is capable of delivering rich and powerful bass that brings out the best in instruments such as drums. And thanks to careful tuning by the development team, the driver is also very detailed and low-distortion like a real hi-fi headphone, providing a clear and natural sound.
More robust performance Asymmetrical internal and external magnetic circuits FiiO's asymmetrical internal and external magnetic circuit design has been used in several other products, including the FD3, IEM's ‘Little Conch’ series and other products. Now this technology has found its way into the JD1. Compared to the traditional design with a single internal or external magnet, the asymmetrical design of the internal and external magnetic circuit increases the magnetic field density around the voice coil, resulting in a more powerful and robust sound as well as improved transient response. Specifications Wearing method: in-ear monitor worn around the ear Driver: 10mm LCP dynamic driver Frequency response: 20Hz-20kHz Impedance: 24Ω@1kHz Sensitivity: 109dB/mW@1kHz Cable material: OFC oxygen-free copper Cable length: About 120cm Weight of single device: About 7g (without cable) Headphone connector: 0.78 2pin detachable cable Audio connector: USB Type-C Scope of delivery JD1 earphones*1USB Type-C to 0.78 2-pin cable with microphone*1 Ear tips S/M/L*3 pairs (M pre-installed) User manual*1
Dynamic in-ear headphones 10 mm polymer composite diaphragm Dual-cavity design 0.033 mm Japanese CCAW voice coil External high-power N52 magnet High-purity oxygen-free copper cable In-line control with microphone included Independent DSP chip 6 built-in tuning presets Supports lossless 384 kHz/24-bit audio decoding High Res Audio certified 10 mm polymer composite diaphragm To set the benchmark for entry-level sound quality, the JD10 features a carefully selected 10 mm polymer composite diaphragm. This cone is characterised by high rigidity, low distortion and optimal damping. It delivers a rich and full bass that blends perfectly with the mids and highs to create a really pleasant sound. In addition, thanks to careful acoustic tuning that utilises the cone's stiffness, the JD10 is high-resolution in a way rarely found among its competitors and capable of reproducing even subtle audio details. Dual cavity design The JD10 utilises a dual acoustic cavity design with separate damping control systems in each cavity. This precise control of airflow damping helps to reduce distortion, effectively improving driver cone movement and bass response. When listening to complex music, this design allows the JD10 to capture more nuance in the bass notes - resulting in refreshingly fast and detailed bass. 0.033 mm Japanese CCAW voice coil To achieve higher sound quality from the driver, the JD10 uses a special ultra-fine Japanese CCAW voice coil with a wire diameter of only about 0.033 mm. This voice coil significantly reduces the overall mass of the driver thanks to the thinness of the wires and the properties of CCAW. This makes it easier to get the driver to produce higher volumes and also results in an improved impulse response. The result is a clearer and more pleasant sound. External N52 high-performance magnet The JD10 uses an external magnet design. This allows a larger magnet to be used, which surrounds the voice coil more effectively and produces a more powerful sound. N52 high performance neodymium-iron-boron magnets were chosen for their high energy density and ability to deliver their power over a uniformly wide range to ensure optimum driver performance. 3.7g light The JD10 was designed from the ground up to be a comfortable and lightweight, versatile pair of in-ear headphones. Each JD10 earbud weighs just 3.7g, making them among the lightest in their class, allowing for long listening sessions without fatigue. High-purity oxygen-free copper cable 3-button inline control with microphone to switch freely between hi-fi music and voice calls. High-purity oxygen-free copper wires that enable error-free transmission of rich audio signals. 0.78 mm 2-pin detachable headphone cable that allows you to upgrade your headphones in the future.