Der Kopfhörertyp Earbuds bezeichnet klassische Ohrstecker-Kopfhörer, die weniger tief und fest im Ohr sitzen als In-Ear-Kopfhörer. Sie sind durch den Sitz klanglich etwas luftiger und lassen mehr Außengeräusche ans Ohr. Sie sind komfortabel zu tragen, isolieren jedoch weniger gut. Dies ist beispielsweise im Straßenverkehr von Vorteil, wo es wichtig ist, bestimmte Geräusche wahrzunehmen. Diese Eigenschaft bringt eine etwas geringere Detailtreue der Wiedergabe und des Basses mit sich.
FiiO EM5 – Der Anti-In-Ear-Kopfhörer
Der FiiO EM5 in der Zusammenfassung: Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach hochwertiger Musikwiedergabe mit unauffälligen Kopfhörern sind, In-Ear-Kopfhörer aber nicht mögen, kommt hier die Lösung: Der Flat-Head-Kopfhörer FiiO EM5. Kompakt wie ein In-Ear, ohne das sie in den Gehörgang gesteckt werden müssen.
Die Highlights des FiiO EM5 im Überblick:
Earbud statt In-Ear – Hier wird nichts in den Gehörgang gesteckt
Beryllium-beschichteter Treiber – Knackiger und dynamischer Klang
Gehäuse im 3D-Druck gefertigt – Perfekte Passform und Optik
Hochwertiges Kopfhörerkabel – Mit 120 Litzen aus reinem Silber
Wunderbar wandelbar – Austauschbarer Stecker mit 2,5/3,5/4,4 mm-Anschluss
Earbuds – Die clevere Alternative zu In-Ear-Kopfhörern
Der In-Ear, also der Kopfhörer, der ins Ohr gesetzt wird, dominiert zwar den weltweiten Markt, aber es gibt durchaus auch Menschen, denen das Gefühl im Ohr nicht gefällt und diese Bauform daher ablehnt.
Wer keine Lust auf einen In-Ear-Kopfhörer hat, trotzdem einen äußerst kompakten Kopfhörer sucht und keine Kompromisse bei der Klangqualität eingehen möchte, der schaut und hört sich den FiiO EM5 an. Dieser wird zwar ebenfalls ins Ohr gesteckt, liegt aber nur am Gehörgang auf (statt hineingesteckt zu werden) und liefert trotzdem einen exzellenten Klang.
Beryllium-beschichteter Treiber – Vereint die Extreme
Für erstklassigen Klang werden Treiber benötigt, die eigentlich ganz gegensätzliche Eigenschaften miteinander vereinen sollen. Zum einen sollen sie möglichst steif und widerstandsfähig gegenüber Verzerrungen sein, zum anderen aber möglichst leicht sein, um auf Impulse schnellstmöglich zu reagieren und das Musiksignal originalgetreu wiederzugeben.
Beryllium löst dieses Problem. Zum einen ist es extrem fest und härtet die die 14,2 Millimeter große Membran im Kopfhörer wirkungsvoll gegen unerwünschte Verzerrungen im Musiksignal ab, ist aber gleichzeitig wunderbar leicht, so dass die Impulstreue des Treibers erhalten bleibt.
Im aufwendigen 3D-Druck hergestelltes Kopfhörergehäuse
Was einem auf dem ersten Blich vielleicht gar nicht auffällt, ist, dass das Gehäuse des Kopfhörers aus einem Guss ist. Es gibt also keine Nahtstellen, Klebepunkte oder sogar Verschraubungen, sondern es handelt sich beim Gehäuse wirklich um ein einziges Teil. Möglich wird all dies durch die lange Erfahrung mit dem 3D-Druck, in dessen Verfahren das Gehäuse des Kopfhörers entsteht. Aus medizinischem, hautfreundlichem und halbtransparentem Resin.
Möglich werden dadurch auch solche Dinge, wie die exakt berechnete Bassreflexröhre, die dem FiiO EM5 zu seinem kräftigen, konturierten und tiefreichenden Bass verhilft.
Hochreines Silber im kompletten Kopfhörerkabel – Kompromisslose Qualität
Bei Musik zählt jedes Detail. Wie beispielsweise auch das verwendete 1,20 Meter lange Kopfhörerkabel. Das weiß man auch bei FiiO und macht keine Kompromisse. Zur Verbindung vom Stecker zum Kopfhörer kommen 120 Einzelleiter aus hochreinem Sterlingsilber zum Einsatz, die alle gemeinsam für einen lebendigen und klaren Klang sorgen.
Immer der richtige Kopfhöreranschluss – Im Handumdrehen
Die Vielfalt an hochwertigen Music Playern hat über die Jahre immer weiter zugenommen. Und mit ihnen auch die Vielfalt bei den Kopfhörerausgängen. So gibt es heute neben dem Standardanschluss mit 3,5 mm Klinke auch noch den 2,5 mm Klinkenanschluss und zunehmend auch den massiven 4,4 mm Klinkenanschluss. Wer mehrere Geräte parallel verwendet hat also jetzt die Wahl, sich entweder auf einen Anschluss festlegen zu müssen oder sich mehrere Kabel zuzulegen.
Oder, das Kopfhörerkabel bietet die Möglichkeit, den Anschluss einfach auszutauschen. So wie beim FiiO EM5. Und zwar vom 2,5 mm Klinkenstecker zum 3,5 mm Klinkenstecker zum 4,4 mm Klinkenstecker. Mit zwei einfachen Handgriffen und einem Dreh.
Jede Menge Zubehör mit dabei – Inklusive verschiedenster Ear-Tips
Jedes Ohr und jeder Hörgeschmack sind anders. Deswegen kommt der FiiO EM5 mit nicht weniger als 18 (!) verschiedenen Paar Ear-Tips in unterschiedlichen Größen und Klangabstimmungen im Lieferumfang daher. Davon sind sechs Paar für Bassliebhaber dabei. Sechs Paar für alle diejenigen, die eine ausgewogene Klangwiedergabe bevorzugen und sechs Paar für alle, die eine höhenbetonte Wiedergabe zu schätzen wissen.
Zusätzlich liegt im Lieferumfang noch die Tasche FiiO HB3 mit dabei, sowie die obligatorische Schnellstartanleitung.
FiiO FF1
Earbuds with detachable cable and beryllium-coated driver
Large 2nd generation dynamic driver with 14.2 mm diameter
PU+beryllium coated diaphragm
Hidden acoustic resistance tubes for extended bass
Open sound and comfortable to wear
Microphone with control
0.78 mm 2-pin detachable cable
2 different sponge covers for different sound included
Anti-slip silicone rings and silicone wing hooks included
Extra-large driver, great sound - Large 14.2mm dynamic driverThe FiiO FF1 is equipped with a 14.2 mm dynamic driver, which is not common in its class. This driver is part of the second generation of dynamic drivers in the FiiO FF series. Thanks to its science-based design, the FF1 driver's resonant frequency contributes to an extended, dynamic and textured bass for an overall more magnificent sound.Stunning sound - PU+beryllium-coated diaphragmThe driver and its diaphragm are the heart of an earphone, as this is where the sound is produced. Not only is the FF1's driver extremely rigid and lightweight with sufficient damping, but a special seal suspension system has been designed specifically for the FF1 to allow the driver to move better. This results in better quality and robust bass, sweet mids and vocals, for a sound that exudes atmosphere.The beryllium-coated diaphragm is very stiff yet lightweight, resulting in less unwanted driver break-up and therefore less distortion. Measured distortion: <0.2%@94dB (150~20kHz). The driver is also very responsive and offers excellent transient response.Hidden Advanced Acoustic Bass Resistance Tubes - Let the Sound FlowSound is created by the movement of air, and acoustic engineers focus on how to harness that air movement. For the FiiO FF1, the acoustic engineers designed a slim acoustic resistance tube that starts at the top of the FF1 earpiece and runs to the back. This hidden acoustic tube not only contributes to the FF1's elegant design, but also ensures that air can flow smoothly inside the earphones. Most importantly, the acoustic resistance tube can reduce the resonant frequency of the earbud housing and bass loss, so you can enjoy deeper and purer bass of high quality.Experience high quality bass When worn open, the FF1's effective frequency response extends to an astonishing 38 Hz, allowing listeners to become even more immersed in their music. For better bass performance, it is recommended to use the ear tips with sponge cover. Notes: Open wearing refers to normal wearing of the earplugs with sound leakage and no sponge cover.Nearly invisible when worn - Lightweight 3.2 gAs an affordable entry-level earphone, the FF1 is highly likely to be used in a variety of scenarios and over a long period of time - so FiiO needed to ensure the earphones were comfortable for long listening sessions. The FF1 weighs just 3.2g as a single earbud, making it almost invisible in the ears, ensuring excellent comfort during extended wear.Sport or leisure, HiFi is always with you - Supplied anti-slip silicone rings, silicone wing hooksIncluded with the FF1 are 3 pairs of anti-slip silicone rings in various sizes to ensure that the earphones stay comfortably in your ears, regardless of your ear size. Thanks to the FF1's open-wearing design, using the earphones is also suitable for activities such as hiking or cycling. Also included with the FF1 are a pair of silicone wing hooks that allow you to experience hi-fi while exercising.
Communicate with the world with one button - Microphone with integrated controls.Scenario 1: The FF1 has inline controls that allow you to answer calls with just one button.Scenario 2: The FF1 is equipped with an HD microphone that allows for high quality calls.Scenario 3: The FF1 can be used as a hi-fi gaming headset, allowing you to exchange information with the HD microphone while fully immersed in the sound of the game.*The FF1 comes with a Type-C adapter cable that is compatible with many Android devices.0.78 mm 2-pin detachable cableThe FiiO FF1 features a detachable cable with 0.78mm 2-pin connector, paving the way for future upgrades to your listening experience.Great sound, tailor-made for you - 2 different sponge covers included.Included are 2 different sponge covers that allow you to tailor the sound of the FF1 to your exact needs. Open hole: transparent sponge cover, powerful bass, clear treble / Without hole: transparent sponge cover, powerful bass, lush vocals.
Interchangeable cable (0.78mm 2 pin)
Interchangeable twist-lock connector 3.5mm and 4.4mm
Aluminum alloy construction
14.2mm dynamic driver
Beryllium-coated dome + PU sealing cone
2 types of foam covers included (crisp and bass sound)
High purity silver plated monocrystalline copper cable
Great sound and shape - "drum" bass chamberInspired by the musical instrument drum, a bass cavity has been specially developed for the new FF3S headphones. This cavity has been specially designed to take full advantage of the resonances and better bring out the texture of the bass tones, accurately reproducing the wood of the music with surprising agility.Lightweight with exceptional feel - aluminum alloy constructionThe brand new FiiO FF3S comes with an improved build quality. The FF3S features an aluminum alloy construction with a matte finish, giving it a subtle but much more luxurious look than its predecessor. Another advantage of the aluminum alloy is its lighter weight. Each FF3S earbud weighs just 3.9g, making them 52% lighter than the FF3. This offers a whole different level of comfort for longer listening sessions, especially for those whose ears are very sensitive to weight.Included silicone wing hooksThe FiiO FF3S come with silicone wing hooks as standard to ensure the earphones stay in your ears. No matter where you go, let high-fidelity music accompany you.Wired headphones with untethered possibilities - 0.78 mm 2-pin detachable cableFiiO has listened to user feedback and equipped the FF3S with a detachable 0.78mm 2-pin cable, giving users endless upgrade possibilities to enhance their listening experience. In addition, an easy-to-feel dot has been added to the left earbud to help differentiate between left and right earbuds and ensure a truly ergonomic design.Immerse yourself deeper in your music - Bass-boosting acoustic flute designFiiO's R&D department has fully utilized the interior space of the FF3S housing to incorporate a bass-boosting acoustic tube. This tube expands the airflow path, increases air damping and improves sound attenuation to lower the resonance point of the headphones and achieve amazing sound performance. As a result, the FF3S can reproduce frequencies of up to 90 Hz in normal, open-back wearing [1] and has an effective frequency range [2] of up to 42.5 Hz for truly deep earphone bass.[1] Normal wearing conditions for earplugs without the use of a sponge cover.[2]Effective frequency range refers to the frequency range in which the frequency response is no more than 10 dB below a certain sound pressure range.*The above test data are results from FiiO Labs. *Audio test equipment: APx555B+Brüel & Kjær Head and Torso Simulator (HATS) 4128CMore than just big 14.2 mm dynamic driverThanks to its large 14.2 mm dynamic driver, the FiiO FF3S can release more energy when playing music for a clean and natural sound. Experience the powerful sound of beating drums and energetic dynamics in your music with the FF3S.Specially selected materials - beryllium-coated dome tweeter + PU sealing membraneA good sound depends not only on the size of the driver, but also on the materials it is made of. After numerous tests by the FiiO research team, a dynamic driver with a beryllium dome and PU seal was selected for the FF3S. The beryllium-coated diaphragm is very stiff and at the same time lightweight, which reduces unwanted vibrations and therefore unwanted distortion. PU is used for the seal of the dynamic driver, whose properties enable a more detailed and structured bass. Not only does the bass come across beautifully, but the mid-range frequencies of human voices are also rich and the treble has also been greatly improved - with an effective frequency range of up to 17 kHz. [3] A larger effective frequency range also has the advantage of creating the impression of a larger sound stage.[3] The effective frequency range is the frequency range in which the frequency response is no more than 10 dB below a certain sound pressure level.Capturing every detail - ultra-fine copper-clad aluminum voice coil made from Japanese DaikokuExcellent sound comes from careful consideration of all design aspects of the product, including the parts that are not easily seen in use. The dynamic driver of the FF3S features an ultra-fine copper-clad Daikoku voice coil. With a diameter of just 0.033 mm, the Daikoku voice coil is very light and helps to reduce the overall weight of the dynamic driver, allowing it to move faster and further improving treble resolution.Listen to your heart's content - 2 types of sponge covers includedThe FF3S comes standard with 2 types of sponge covers for different sound types - bass boosting and transparent. Choose the covers you want to use for different styles of music and to suit your own taste.Fully equipped High-purity, silver-plated monocrystalline copper cableThe FF3S cable consists of a total of 152 cores of high-purity, silver-plated, monocrystalline copper. This was specially selected because the silver plating improves the resolution of the treble and at the same time reduces unwanted sibilance. The cable's jacket is made of German TPU, which not only makes the cable resistant to yellowing and hardening, but also allows the cable to be more flexible, making it more comfortable to wear and reducing unwanted microphonics.Wide compatibility - interchangeable twist-lock plugsThe FiiO FF3S is equipped with an all-aluminum interchangeable twist-lock plug, allowing you to switch between 3.5/4.4 mm plugs at any time. This makes it even easier to enjoy the exemplary sound of the FF3S, setting a real benchmark in its class.SpecificationsHeadphone type: Dynamic driversFrequency response: 20Hz-20kHzDriver type: Dynamic driverImpedance: 45Ω@1kHzSensitivity: 105dB (1kHz@1mw)Maximum input power: 100mWCable: 152 cores high-purity silver-plated monocrystalline copperHeadphone connector: 0.78mm 2pinAudio plug: Including 3.5/4.4mm twist-lock plug (interchangeable)Cable length: Approx. 120cmWeight: 3.9 g per earphone (without cable)
Scope of deliveryEarphones*1Earphone cable*1Transparent sponge covers: 6 pairs (with hole), bass sponge covers 6 pairs (without hole), anti-slip silicone rings M 3 pairs (transparent black), anti-slip silicone rings L 3 pairs (transparent black), silicone wing hooks 1 pair (transparent black)Detachable 3.5/4.4 mm audio plug*1 (3.5 mm plug pre-installed),User manual
FiiO FF5Earbuds with detachable cable and carbon-based dynamic drivers
Large 14.2 mm dynamic driver
PU seal + carbon-based diaphragm
Extended acoustic bass resistance tubes
4-core, 392-wire silver-plated monocrystalline copper cable
Detachable MMCX cable
3.5/4.4 mm audio connector included
Open design
6 pairs of anti-slip rings included
Fine-tuned frequency response
CNC aluminium alloy construction
Newly developed dynamic driver with carbon-based diaphragmThe FF5 is an earphone that departs from the traditions of its form factor and features a specially designed, large 14.2 mm dynamic driver with an innovative carbon-based diaphragm. The driver consists of a PU seal and a carbon-based diaphragm, which gives the driver a low weight and high rigidity. The result is a sound with fast transients and excellent treble resolution, as the driver's design minimises non-linear distortion by attenuating unwanted driver movement.The FF5's large 14.2mm dynamic driver delivers bass reproduction unmatched in quantity and quality by smaller drivers, with a sound that feels just right. Compared to the FF3, which focuses on the low and mid frequencies, the FF5 offers a faster sound with better separation. Thanks to the carbon-based diaphragm, resolution in the mids and highs is also significantly improved, resulting in more detailed and nuanced vocal reproduction.This is particularly noticeable with female vocals - when listening to music with a strong vocal emphasis, you can hear every last detail of the refreshingly lush voices.Beautiful like a blossoming flower - open designLike a flower in bloom with its many layers of petals, carefully tuned headphones can reveal many layers in the music.Inspired by petals, the FF5's design is both beautiful and functional. The FiiO development team wanted to reduce unwanted reflections and vibrations within the FF5's housing, which led to the creation of a diffuse open design with an acoustic damping device that allows some of the air pressure within the earphones to diffuse outwards - resulting in fewer unwanted internal reflections and standing waves, leading to cleaner sound and improved bass response.Amazingly large - Large 14.2 mm dynamic driverThe FF5 features an amazingly large 14.2mm diameter dynamic driver with a carbon-based diaphragm, chosen after much thought and experimentation. If the driver is smaller than 14.2 mm, bass performance will be negatively affected. However, if the driver is larger than 14.2 mm, the earphone becomes too large, which has a negative impact on wearing comfort. That's why we chose a 14.2 mm driver to strike a balance between high wearing comfort and stunning sound!Standard 4-strand 392-core silver-plated monocrystalline copper cable - Fully focused, with emphasis on female vocals.The FF5 comes standard with a silver-plated monocrystalline cable. 14 wires are braided together to form a small strand, and 7 small strands are braided together to form a large strand - giving 4 large strands with a total of 392 wires. More wires significantly increase the cross-sectional area of the wires in the cable, resulting in a higher transmission rate and stability. The strand braid reduces the skin effect, which further improves the transmission rate by increasing conductivity. Thanks to the above factors and the excellent materials, the FF5 cable has a significantly improved treble resolution compared to conventional cables, allowing for a very detailed and nuanced sound. True freedom: Change whenever you want - Detachable cable, interchangeable plugs.We've found that there are very few earbuds with detachable cables, which severely limits the usability of these earbuds should something happen to the cable. The FF5 has a detachable MMCX cable that allows you to replace broken cables or experiment with different cables made of different materials.In addition, the FF5's cable is equipped with interchangeable audio plugs, so you can switch between the included 3.5mm and 4.4mm plugs at will to match your source!Advanced acoustic bass tubesEvery new product is an opportunity for new innovation! With each new generation of earphones, a lot of experimentation is done to ensure that the performance really is at least one step ahead of the previous generation. Compared to typical in-ear monitors, more care needs to be taken when designing an earphone to ensure great sound.After much experimentation, FiiO has developed acoustic resistance tubes for the FF5 that enhance and extend the bass response. When the driver's diaphragm vibrates, the resulting air pressure is redirected to these acoustic resistance tubes, reducing resonance in the lower frequencies so you can hear more extended and textured bass.Specially tuned frequency response curve"The frequency range of the female voice is between 160 Hz and 1.2 kHz. The FF5 was designed as a headphone that focuses on female voices rather than heavy bass. Therefore, a lot of attention has been paid to the representation of the frequency range and pitch of the female voice. We specifically controlled resonance at 127 Hz to prevent voices from sounding muddy and boomy, while we appropriately increased the frequency range from 2kHz to 4kHz to present female voices more clearly, transparently and prominently. Thanks to the light weight of the carbon fibre, the FF5 has excellent treble response, allowing the overtones of vocals, guitars, cymbals, violins and other instruments to come through clearly in a more nuanced and layered sound."--JosephChief Engineer of FiiO IEM's R&D Centre Less weight, more materials - 1CNC aluminium alloy construction.The FF5 is made from an aluminium alloy used in other high-end earphones to reduce weight while ensuring durability. A single ear unit weighs just 3.4g - so the FF5 simply disappears into your ear, leaving you fully immersed in your high-fidelity music.Attention to detail for great sound - Supplied anti-slip silicone rings.FiiO has always been a user-focused company. Some users prefer the use of non-slip silicone rings when using earbuds. Thanks to their feedback, the FF5 not only comes with three types of sponge covers, but also moulded anti-slip silicone rings. The total of 6 anti-slip silicone rings are available in sizes M/L and provide a better seal for an extended bass range, while maintaining high resolution in the other areas of the frequency response.SpecificationsWearing style: EarplugsDriver: Single dynamicFrequency response: 20Hz-20kHzImpedance: 45Ω@1kHzSensitivity: 106dB/mW@1kHzCable: 4 strands, total 392 wires high purity silver plated monocrystalline copper.Cable length: approx. 1.2 mWeight: approx. 3.4 g (without cable)Earphone connectors: extended MMCXAudio connector: 3.5mm SE/4.4mm balancedWide range of accessoriesItem NotesDetachable 3.5mm cable*1 Pre-installedDetachable 4.4mm cable*1 Tweeter sponge covers*6 pairs (open holes) Balanced sponge covers*6 pairs (thin) Bass sponge covers*6 pairs (thick) Anti-slip silicone rings M*3 pairs (black) Anti-slip silicone rings L*3 pairs (clear) MMCX tool*1 Carrying bag HB1*1 Manual*1